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AVG: 90% of Game Hacks will Infect Your Computer

If you’re not the sort of person who believes in fair play, there’s another reason you probably shouldn’t start searching for hacks on the internet. AVG have this morning released a press release warning that up to 90% of game hacks contain (or just are) malware.  From the press release: “Even if we assume that just 0.1% of the gamers playing the top five titles go looking for a hack – a highly conservative estimate – that means 330,000 people…

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Ex-RARE Composer Releases Kameo Soundtrack, Includes Gamecube Tracks

If you're interested in Kameo, RARE or game development in general, you won't be able to pass up the golden opportunity of swimming through over 5 hours of music from Kameo: Elements of Power. The original composer, Steve Burke, has released well over 250 tracks for absolutely nothing. Although some of the music made it to the eventual Xbox 360 release, much of it is from earlier in development, from the time the game ran on Gamecube and on the original Xbox. The collection - which is only missing the songs that made it to the official soundtrack - also comes ...

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Assassin’s Creed Duel – The 2.5D Fighter That Never Was

Artwork for Assassin's Creed Duel, an unannounced, unreleased 2.5D fighter from Ubisoft, has surfaced, showing off what such a game might just have looked like. Alongside some of the biggest names from the Assassin's Creed series, Duel would have apparently had a few other famous Ubi faces as playable characters. It would have been a digital release on the PlayStation Network and on Xbox Live Arcade.

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Digital Chocolate Launch Blackjack! Buzz

Digital Chocolate, the company behind Kings and Warlords(the producer of which we interviewed at the beginning of this month), launched a new game this week. Blackjack! Buzz, with its slightly quicker edge, is a more social game than the Blackjack you know and love. Taking a cue from the likes of Draw Something, Blackjack! Buzz pairs you against strangers who you must out-score. The higher the cards in your hand are worth, the higher your score when you decide to…

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IGN Steal Indie Trailer, Watermark it, Make money off ads

The creator of SpikeDislike 2 probably dreamt of the day IGN would cover his game. He probably should have been more careful what he wished for. Yesterday SoCoder user Jayenkai saw that IGN had uploaded a version of his trailer to their mobile games YouTube channel, a trailer which they'd just downloaded from HIS YouTube channel. As with all IGN videos, they'd placed the IGN watermark onto it - a device used to automatically credit IGN when the video is used elsewhere. They uploaded it to an IGN page, a page with ads...

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New Mew Pokemon is… Mewtwo

Popular Japanese gaming mag Coro Coro has released information on the Mewtwo-like image of a Pokemon from X and Y that's shaken up the Poke-world. Has Mewtwo cloned himself? Is this the work of Team Rocket? Could this be Mewthree? The truth is perhaps slightly more confusing. The Pokemon that was revealed last week is in fact Mewtwo, just in a different form.

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New Forza Horizon Achievements Hint at DLC Challenge Mode

Only a few weeks after the end of the season pass, evidence of a new DLC pack for Forza Horizon has surfaced. A set of achievements, most of which mention either medals or challenges, have turned up and certainly seem to imply you'll need to do an awful lot of work if you aim to get them all.

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Death Inc. Resurrected Despite Kickstarter Disappointment

Death Inc., the rather lovely looking strategy game from Ambient Studios, has managed to find life after Kickstarter. The innovative title from a developer consisting of the people behind LittleBigPlanet, Burnout and Fable failed to scrape together even half of the $300,000 they needed from the crowd funding site, but have announced today that the game will be released anyway. And the good news? If you pre-purchase, you’ll be able to play the alpha version of the game right now.…

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Hate Halo Multiplayer? Microsoft Release ODST Campaign Edition for Single Player Fans

It's something that some have been asking of Activision and the Call of Duty series for quite some time, but Microsoft are the first to have actually done it. The newly released Halo ODST: Campaign Edition - available now for purchase from the Xbox Marketplace - is a digital-only Games on Demand release, this time without the Halo 3 multiplayer. For the reduced price of 1200 Microsoft Points, players can enter into the Halo world without needing to pay a premium for a section of the game they'll never play.

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Microsoft Stock at Second Highest in 6 Months Despite Always-on Rumours

Microsoft have taken a bashing over the last few weeks, partly because of their flat out refusal to discuss their next console and partly because of the actions of Adam Orth, the Microsoft creative director who took to Twitter in defense of an always online console. The top articles on sites like N4G and Reddit have almost consistently housed articles about why Microsoft are doing things wrong. Why, then, is their stock at almost the highest it's been in six months?

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