We reported last week that Mirror's Edge 2 was listed on Amazon Germany and it has since also been spotted on the Italian Amazon site. Today new and more concrete proof has been uncovered by a member over at NeoGaf.
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Rise of the Triad coming soon to digital stores, 1995/2013 cover comparison
The comparison between the covers of Rise of the Triad Dark War and Rise of the Traid 2013 are incredibly similar, but serve as an interesting marker on how gaming has changed over the last twenty years. Whether you're looking at the difference between art styles - that the '95 one was a replacement for actual in-game graphics - or if it's as simple as the zip on Thi's top being in a sightly higher position on the 2013 version of the cover. Either way, the reboot of the shareware classic is well on its way.
Read MoreFirst Next-Gen Sonic gets debut trailer
Sonic the Hedgehog is returning on Wii U and 3DS this year. Sonic Lost Worlds was unveiled at the last Nintendo Direct, although nothing about the game was revealed. That's changed now, with quite a nice trailer introducing the main badniks, as well as some new gameplay. It looks different. It's too early to tell if that's a good thing, although it seems like Sonic may actually be a little slower than he has been before.
Read MoreNew voice of Solid Snake being revealed next week
Konami took to Twitter during the night to tease fans with the voice actor who will voice Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid 5.
Read MorePS3 overtakes 360 in Worldwide Sales
The Global Hardware Charts over at VGChartz estimates that the PS3 is now ahead of the 360 in total console sales. With 77,313,472 units sold to the 360's 77,311,669 that puts Sony's console in 2nd place of this generation of home consoles after 7 years of being in 3rd place.
Read MoreSaints Row IV: Free “Commander In Chief” Edition Announced – The World NEEDS You!
Saints Row IV has you take on the role of the President of the US who must defend his nation and the world from a invading race of aliens. He'll do this by using kick-ass superpowers and massive weapons in the Saints Row over-the-top style that the series is best know for. It'll be available August 20th.
Read MoreRayman Legends Coming to Vita
At first it was a Wii U exclusive, a game that was supposed to shift consoles, but then Rayman Legends was delayed for the best part of a year so that it could become a multi-platform game. Although the Wii U version of the game had gone gold (and copies of it are sitting around in warehouses), they won't be available for purchase until the end of year. Legends is now also coming to PlayStation Vita, Ubisoft have announced, and you'll be glad to know there won't be another 9 month delay in adding another platform.
Read MoreNew releases this week: May 27th – June 1st
A pretty decent week this week for new releases with something for everyone across all genres and platforms.
Read MoreNew Infamous: Second Son screenshots
6 beautiful new screenshots have been released for the upcoming PS4 exclusive Infamous: Second Son. This new batch of shots show new protagonist Deslin Rowe up close and personal along with some action shots of his powers.
Read MoreXbox Live possibly hacked. 48 Million user passwords posted online
The 6.8GB of data posted on Pastebin by a hacker going by the name of Reckz0r contains 48 million email addresses and passwords for Xbox Live accounts. As of now this is still a rumour as Microsoft have yet to confirm or deny the hack
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