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Nintendo Switch Preview Coverage, Abdallah Unboxes One!

It is almost March 3rd, but thanks to Nintendo of Canada, we have had the opportunity to pay around with it, 1-2-Switch, and the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild over a week early. While we are not allowed to publish scores and final thoughts, a number of things have surfaced for me - positives and negatives - that I will discuss over a series of articles.

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Nintendo eShop & Indies Will Be Ready For Switch Launch

Nintendo announced today that the eshop would be available at the launch of their new system: the Switch! Not only that, but there will be some Indie games on day 1 too. We have a press release below detailing what will and won’t be available on the Switch eshop’s first day! I remember when the 3DS came out and there was no online store. It was a few months before the Nintendo eshop appeared on the system. The Nintendo Switch,…

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Xbox One: Oceanhorn Demo Now Available’s Adam Roffel wrote a review of Oceanhorn: Monster of the Uncharted Seas awhile back. He liked the game a lot. And now, if you want to check out the game, you can download a demo of Oceanhorn on Xbox One! Oceanhorn PR: “we’re happy to announce the release of a FREE downloadable Oceanhorn demo, now available on Xbox One!  After the successful launch of Oceanhorn on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, the game topped 1 Million units sold across…

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Blow off Some Steam By Playing Video Games

Video games have long enjoyed the quality of being both entertaining and education as people have the ability to learn math by playing Johnny upgrade free at much games and not only will the learning experience prove to be more exciting than the typical learning process but playing video games also comes with some amazing perks which will be later on described here.

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Nintendo Switch Unboxing – Nintendo Minute (Video)

The Nintendo Switch is almost here! Many game review sites have a Switch, but can’t do an unboxing of the system yet. However, Nintendo Minute, Nintendo of America’s official youtube show, did an unboxing today! Take a look at this video and then please come back for my thoughts on it. The Nintendo Switch looks amazing in this video. I’ve seen other videos with the system, but I never realized just how small and sleek the system was before. The…

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5 Best Emulators For ROM PC Gaming

Why hello there! I welcome you into my collection of this world’s best emulators that run ROM games flawlessly. If you are like me – you are crazy enough to turn your $2.200 PC into a hardcore retro gaming console. In that case please enjoy everything written below as it is literally tailored for you. Here’s how you rock with ROMs!

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Loot Crate – Early 2017

It's been a while since we unboxed and reviewed a Loot Crate subscription box, and that isn't because we are lazy! We have been swamped lately with work, and since the delivery date of these boxes is so random, it is hard to schedule their articles. Now that the Switch is in our hands and things are settling down again, we thought we would highlight a few of our favorite items from the past few months, and we kick it off with...

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Are Websites Reviewing 1-2-Switch?

The lack of chatter about 1-2-Switch is something I've been thinking about over the last couple days. As more and more media sources get their Nintendo Switch units in the mail, I'm noticing that when they unbox their package from Nintendo they contain a lot of things: Zelda amiibo, Switch accessories, a system, and always a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. One thing I'm not seeing - highlighted for me by GameXplains latest video - is a lack of a copy of 1-2-Switch. Are media outelts getting this to review as well?

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Top Online Rummy Variations You Must Play

Rummy has been one of the most played card games in the Indian sub-continent. As kids, we all grew up playing rummy card games and it is still one of the popular household games in the country. Lately the online version of the game started to gain momentum. With the rise in demand of rummy games, there has been a massive increase in the number of websites that are offering rummy games to play online.

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More Thoughts From Me #57: Looking Back At The Gameboy

It was a little bulky portable that you held with two hands. The screen was green and so were all the games. The graphics would probably be too basic for most gamers these days. Back then though, it was impressive to be able to play games like Tetris, a Super Mario Bros game, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the palms of your hands. Yes, today I’m going to take a look back at the original Gameboy: the good, the…

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