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Disney Lorcana Review

We know that Disney Lorcana has been plagued with stock issues, price gouging by Local Game Stores, and more. This article isn’t about that though, although talking about these issues is important. Instead, let’s focus on what Disney Lorcana is doing as a game, and how well it works in the ever growing trading card game space!


How does Disney Lorcana work?

Almost all trading card games have rules attached that limit how many of each card you can have in a deck, or limit the number of cards allowed in a deck. Like those, DIsney Lorcana also has its rules that need to be followed. Each deck must contain 2 of the 6 different colour types, with a maximum of 4 of any one card. Decks can be as big as you want, but must be a minimum of 60 cards.

Players will compete to be the first to reach 20 Lore, and Lore is earned by questing with specific characters. Characters who quest cannot challenge (attack for a better word), and vice versa. Each character can quest for a certain amount of Lore, ranging from 1 to 4.


Build a deck for Disney Lorcana.

Disney Lorcana is a deck building game, and while the starter decks available are a good place to start, if you want to play in a local competitive league, you are going to need additional booster packs so you can make your own decks. While your deck can contain more than 60 cards, its generally not the best idea since you can only have a maximum of 4 of each card, and you aren;t likely to go through more than 25 or 30 cards in a full game of Lorcana. The bigger your deck, the harder it will be to get the cards you really want into your hand and out onto the table.

What we thought after playing Disney Lorcana!

I’ve always really liked trading card games, but it’s been a while since I picked one up. The cost of keeping up with the releases was too much for my young family, as other priorities took over. But this is Disney, and it is something that my wife and children will be invested in as well.

For a first chapter, DIsney Lorcana actually works really well. The strategy comes together fairly quickly, as you learn when to quest, when to challenge, and sometimes, when to do nothing at all. The more you play, the more you realize how certain cards work together. Building those combinations into your competitive deck is key to victory, and like with all trading card games, the more you play the better you will get.

I really enjoy that there is deep strategy here, but the game itself is not overly complicated. My nine year old Lochlan can easily play this game, and has beat me on a few occasions. Sure, I helped him a bit, and he doesn’t fully grasp all the deep strategic elements of the game, but he can still play it, and that is a really big deal for us.


After a few dozen games, I do wish there was a mechanism in the game to search your deck (or at least cycle your deck by discarding cards) faster so you can attempt to get those good cards into play. Decks are generally built around 2 or 3 cards, and if you can’t get those 2 or 3 cards to the table, your entire game is ruined and you are bound to lose. Other games like Pokemon mitigate this problem well by providing cards that allow players to search their decks. I just wish that existed here.

Final Thoughts

We are coming full circle back to the no stock anywhere issue. I really wish more people could enjoy Disney Lorcana, and hopefully we will see packs of cards on shelves sooner rather than later. If you can find it, I suggest grabbing some – it’s a really fun experience, even for brand new Lorcana players!


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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