Fallout Shelter is… wait a minute, I just need to collect these resources. There we go. As I was saying, this free-to-play game is… hang on, I need to deal with these raiders. Phew. Right, let me turn my phone off or I’ll never get anything done.
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We need to talk about Final Fantasy VII
19th June, 2015 by Thomas Neal
So there it is. The news that many of us have been waiting for since 1997. 18 long years. Square Enix announced at E3 2015 that we are finally getting a Final Fantasy VII remake. A proper one. Not just updated graphics or shiny new cutscenes, but a full remake with new gameplay and, so we are told, new story elements to boot.
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Bethesda at E3: what have we learnt?
17th June, 2015 by Thomas Neal
Bethesda certainly didn’t disappoint in their first ever E3 press conference, making some huge crowd-pleasing announcements, some surprising, some more expected. But what do these announcements mean for Bethesda, and what do they mean for us?
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