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Posts By Steven van Eekeren


New voice of Solid Snake being revealed next week

Konami took to Twitter during the night to tease fans with the voice actor who will voice Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid 5.

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PS3 overtakes 360 in Worldwide Sales

The Global Hardware Charts over at VGChartz estimates that the PS3 is now ahead of the 360 in total console sales. With 77,313,472 units sold to the 360's 77,311,669 that puts Sony's console in 2nd place of this generation of home consoles after 7 years of being in 3rd place.

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New releases this week: May 27th – June 1st

A pretty decent week this week for new releases with something for everyone across all genres and platforms.

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New Infamous: Second Son screenshots

6 beautiful new screenshots have been released for the upcoming PS4 exclusive Infamous: Second Son. This new batch of shots show new protagonist Deslin Rowe up close and personal along with some action shots of his powers.

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Xbox Live possibly hacked. 48 Million user passwords posted online

The 6.8GB of data posted on Pastebin by a hacker going by the name of Reckz0r contains 48 million email addresses and passwords for Xbox Live accounts. As of now this is still a rumour as Microsoft have yet to confirm or deny the hack

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Gamestop’s stock falls, Sony’s stock up since Xbox One announcement

Stock fell 5% for the worlds largest video game retailer following the announcement that the next-gen Xbox will require gamers to pay Microsoft a fee before being able to play used games. Over 60% of Gamestop's earnings comes from the used market so this is a major blow for the retailer.

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GTA5 Special and Collectors Edition available now for pre-order

Pre-orders on Special Edition and Collectors Edition of GTA5 are now being taken. Both editions includes some neat stuff any GTA fan would want in their possession.

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Get $10 free store credit from Microsoft

Microsoft are feeling generous today handing out $10 to everyone who signs up to receive a notication on when preorders start for the Xbox One. Reports say the money gets added to your Xbox Live account as store credit within a couple of hours of registration and can be used on anything found on the Marketplace. To avail of this limited time offer click here and sign up.

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PS4 Mock-up Based on Teaser Trailer

The sneak peak PS4 video didn't show much on first inspection but a closer look and a lot of freeze framing revealed more than meets the eye. Multiple screengrabs of the video gave Reddit user Albino-Zebra just enough information to be able to piece together a mockup of what he thinks the PS4 may actually look like.

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Playstation 4 – Official tease trailer (screenshots inside)

Square, metallic and what can only be described as a grill effect. No Im not talking about the latest toaster, it is in fact the PS4. Recently added by the Official Playstation facebook feed this 40 second tease doesn't give us much to go on.

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