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Top Most Downloaded Games for iPhone in 2019

Make no mistake, mobile gaming is one of the biggest segments out there and it’s bound to get even bigger. As more people are turning to their smartphones to game competitively, or just to “escape boredom,” some consumer trends have shifted – in a big way.

Over 50% of all mobile gamers are in fact, women. This has busted the myth that games are the preserve of awkward male who can’t even talk to girls. In any eventuality, one of the biggest developments this year is the games for mobile systems, and specifically an iPhone.

As you can expect, there have been tons of downloads of games like Solitaire and even Blackjack. Why wouldn’t blackjack top the charts? One look at tells the story of a fantastic and competitive card game.

Yet, it’s not blackjack that steals the limelight on this occasion. No, according to a comprehensive analysis of iPhone game downloads, this is Mario Kart Tour, the free to play version for mobile.

Bite My Dust, Fortnite!

Many companies developing games for the mobile segment have relied on the free to play model to generate a solid user base and sell frills in-game too. Well, as it turns out, there have been a few spanners in the works here and there.

Fortnite came up barely 8th in the overall standing of 10 games on iPhone. Of course, Fortnite has already drawn millions of players and it may be reaching a tipping point where it tops all the charts year in and year out.


Mario Kart even left the absolute blockbuster Call of Duty Mobile to bite the dust. Even then, the title did quite well, reaching 4th spot in the overall standing, although this is bound to nosedive past December.

What Were the Most Downloaded Paid Games for iPhone?

As it turns out, iPhone users are quite happy to shed some pretty penny. Why wouldn’t they when there are so many excellent titles to actually test for yourself. Some of the top games here include Minecraft, Heads Up! and, hold on to your hats, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

As it turns out, the most popular games have no trouble crossing platforms. Out of these, Minecraft is perhaps the most fun to play from a handheld device as it requires more of artistic thought than anything else.

In general, mobile gaming is surging. This is especially true for the competitive sector of esports – games played competitively. Mobile gaming creates perfect opportunities to participate in collectible card games, such as Hearthstone, Gwent, and Magic: The Gathering.

iPad Gaming No Less Popular

For those gamers who appreciate having a little more screen space, the iPad is a perfect option and no less. The platform definitely allows you more comfort when it comes to playing more dimensional games that might benefit the player from having a better field of view.

You can have an absolute blast playing one of the many titles that iPad users picked in 2019. First comes Roblox, a massively multiplayer online game that has emerged, as if, from the world of LEGO. Other titles on the list are just as seemingly obscure, but they are in fact very addictive so watch out when playing titles such as 2 and Helix Jump.


When it comes to paid iPad games, you won’t be surprised to find out that Minecraft once again tops the charts. Next comes Geometry Dash and trust me, you may not love geometry one bit, you will definitely fall in love with the game.

Mobile gaming is reaching new heights and no small part of this is thanks to the variety of such great titles to play. You definitely will be missing out if you refuse to indulge yourself.


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blank Software Developer,Admin,Gamer,Gambling Expert and recently a happy parent :) so generally busy...

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