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Wii U Production Is Ending Soon

It was rumored earlier this month that Nintendo would be ending production of Wii U systems. Nintendo quickly got the word out that this wasn’t true. And now there is another report saying that Nintendo has updated their site with a notice that Wii U production will be ending soon! What is going on here?!


Earlier this month, Nintendo Everything posted a rumor that said Wii U production would be ending soon. Nintendo, very quickly, put this rumor to bed. But today, Nintendo Everything posted that there was a notice on the Japanese Nintendo site that Wii U production would end soon.

What’s happening here?! One second Nintendo says that console production would not end soon and the next second they say that it will. I really don’t understand this. Of course, this isn’t the first time that Nintendo has done this. There have been rumors for other things that they denied and then soon after confirmed. Nintendo likes to announce things on their own schedule and they will either not comment on or in some cases deny rumors. Still, its very annoying to see something like this be reported. I would love to believe this is just a mistranslation or a mistake by the Nintendo website, but I doubt it is.

I can’t say that I like them denying that the Wii U production would end and then turning around and saying that it will end. I haven’t been a fan of how Nintendo has treated the Wii U overall. They have barely ever advertised the system and now they are pushing the system out the door for the Nintendo Switch. Don’t get me wrong: I am looking forward to the Switch. I think it looks like a great system. However, I am a huge fan of the Wii U and I won’t be celebrating its death like some people. I think the system still has plenty of life in it, even with the Switch being around!

What do you think of these reports of the Wii U’s demise? Are you looking forward to the Switch? Sound off with your Wii U and Nintendo Switch thoughts in the comments below!



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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