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Liberated: Enhanced Edition Demo Is On Nintendo Switch Now

I love reading comics on my Nintendo Switch. Thank you InkyPen Comics! But what about a video game that takes place within a “mature readers” comic book? Enter Liberated: Enhanced Edition. A demo for the game is out right now! I played it and have some thoughts on it.


Liberated: Enhanced Edition will be coming to the Nintendo Switch on December 3rd. But what if you want to play the game RIGHT NOW?

Well, there’s a demo available on the Nintendo Switch at this very moment. Go get it! I’ll wait…

Okay, I’ve waited long enough. Not convinced? You’re like, what is Liberated: Enhanced Edition? Let me explain and tell you what I think of the demo.

Liberated is a game thats told inside of a “mature readers” comic book. The cutscenes and the actual gameplay all take place within a comic book panel.


The game is completely in black and white. It also features dialogue bubbles like a comic book. And unlike a comic, it also has full voice acting!

I played the demo and I have to say I’m pretty impressed. The graphics and the comic book style are very cool. The gameplay takes a second to get use to. You have to use the right analog stick to pull out your gun and this isn’t explained. The right trigger is for shooting your gun. There are also some nice stealth sequences and cool takedowns.

The game takes place within a police department that gets attacked and you play as a cop who is trying to survive and take down the bad guys. The demo isn’t very long but if you’re not impressed by it at the end, well, I don’t know what to say. This demo is blew me away. I wanted to play more.

So what am I saying?

Go download the demo if you haven’t already. And keep an eye out for this game on December 3rd.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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