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3 Misconceptions About Mobile Gaming (And Why They’re Wrong)


Mobile gaming is as popular as it has ever been; in fact, we referred to it as an “unstoppable force” here: . Helped by innovation in smartphone design and a plethora of inexpensive game options, mobile gaming has risen from a niche product to a hobby that can be enjoyed by the masses.

However, this popularity has also meant that a number of misconceptions about what mobile gaming is — and what it has to offer — have developed. In an effort to bust these misconceptions once and for all, let’s explore these beliefs– and explain why they’re wrong…

1) It’s Never As Good As The “Real Thing”

What the “real thing” actually is depends on the game in question. If you’re playing a spinoff from a console game, then the console version is the “real thing” that mobile games are compared to. If you’ve been reading and have decided you want to play mobile casino games, then the “real thing” is an actual casino. The feeling behind the scorn always comes from the same idea; the mobile gaming version of the “real thing” is always going to be inferior.

This just isn’t the case. Mobile gaming isn’t competition for real-life experiences or what you can achieve on a console; it’s an entirely separate entity in and of itself. The point of mobile gaming is for it to be easy, accessible, and simple. Mobile games aren’t meant to be as immersive as console games, and you’re not meant to abandon your social life either; mobile games are an addition to these things, not a replacement.

2) Mobile Gaming Always Looks Terrible

Most people play mobile games on a smartphone, which means that this misconception is based entirely on the quality of the phone that a user is playing on. If you try and play popular mobile games on old, outdated smartphones then, sure, they’re not going to look good– but playing an Xbox One X game on an outdated, tiny TV isn’t going to look good either.

If you’re playing mobile games on modern smartphone screens, then there’s no reason the game need look poor. As you can read on, smartphone screens have come a long way in the past few years, and can offer an immersive gaming experience as a result. Of course, the picture isn’t as large as it would be if you were playing a console game, but bigger doesn’t always mean better.

3) Mobile Gaming “Isn’t For Real Gamers”

There’s no doubt that mobile gaming is attractive to people who would never normally play console games, but that doesn’t mean that non-gamers are the only section of the populace who enjoy mobile games. Console gamers — what this misconception considers to be “real” gamers — are just as capable of finding mobile games enjoyable. There’s no reason to see the issue as mobile gaming vs. conventional gaming; it’s possible to like both.

In Conclusion

When you push the misconceptions to one side, the truth is clear: mobile gaming deserves its place in the gaming world, albeit as a complement to other gaming forms rather than direct competition.


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