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Upgrading vs. Buying a Laptop for Gaming: What Should You Do?

It doesn’t matter how expensive or exclusive your gaming laptop is – at some point or another, it is going to start slowing down. Then, you have two options: either you can try to revive it with upgrades or trade it in for a new one. So, which one should you choose?


Well, the answer isn’t quite as clear-cut as you might think. This is mostly because there are so many factors to consider here. So, before you make your decision, it is a good idea to go through all the points below. These will help to paint you a clearer picture of what you should do.

A Side Note

It is important to realize that most laptops – even gaming ones – are not designed to be upgraded. For one thing, many laptops can’t be opened and so, there is no access to the internal components. Even if you can open certain makes and models, the process is quite complex and you often need to be an expert in this area.

There is also the fact that modern laptops contain quite a few soldered parts. Many companies will physically solder the CPU, GPU, and the RAM onto the logic board. When it is fused together like this, it can be pried apart and replaced.


If these are issues that you face, there is only one avenue left for you: searching for cheap gaming laptops to purchase. Thus, you should check whether you can actually make any upgrades before continuing on to the next stages.

How Old is Your Gaming Laptop?

The good news is that gaming laptops are typically designed to last much longer than their traditional counterparts. As such, you can expect it to work for a couple of years past other kinds of devices. Still, gaming rigs also undergo quite a bit of use and abuse.

As you are well aware, gaming often requires more power and capabilities than regular, everyday tasks. This puts more pressure on the various components of your laptops. Due to this, your gaming device may last an average of five years or so at a time.

Now, if your computer is nearing this time period, then it may just be time for a new one. Even if you are able to make certain upgrades to the machine, it is unclear how much good it will do. It is more likely that you will begin to face the same issues a short time down the road. In this case, it is best to get a laptop that has just emerged on the market.

Is Your CPU Failing?

Are you experiencing system boot-up issues? Or perhaps your laptop is shutting down and turning on again without any prompting. If so, there is a good chance that your laptop could be suffering from a failing CPU. This is something that you should check on by taking your device into a repair shop.


If this does turn out to be the case, then you are going to need to invest in a new machine. Most laptops don’t have upgradeable CPUs. So, if you are experiencing issues with the processing unit, then you may have no other choice.

Have You run Out of RAM?

Most modern laptops have more than enough RAM for all of your gaming needs. Still, there is a chance that your machine could be in need of more. You may then find that it becomes more sluggish or may freeze up when gaming.

This happens because when your laptop runs out of physical memory, it passes on some of the burden on to your hard drive. Since your HDD isn’t really built for this purpose, it causes your laptop to slow down quite a bit.

The good news is that if this is the issue you are facing, then your RAM can be upgraded rather easily. You simply need to buy a component that can hold a larger amount of memory and then swap it out for the old one. It is a cheap and quick fix.

Consider Game Requirements

It is clear that every new game released is better in some way or another. This, of course, also means that these games are a lot more demanding. So, if you want to enjoy them to the fullest, then your laptop needs to be able to keep up.

This is where minimum system requirements come in. Here, the game manufacturer will list out the lowest possible compatible specs for games. Therefore, check out the recommended specs for each of the games that you would like to play. If you discover that your laptop isn’t compatible with most of the titles out there, then it is time for a change.

Keep in mind, games are just going to continue to advance at an accelerated rate, particularly as technology advances as well. As a result, you are probably going to need to trade-in for a new model within a relatively short period of time anyway.

What Condition is Your Hardware In?

Let’s face it, most gamers are pretty tough on their keyboard when gaming. As such, it is only natural for your keyboard to take on some serious wear and tear. Not only will the appearance deteriorate, but various keys also may not function as well.

Fortunately, there may be an easy fix. You can simply replace the laptop keyboard – it shouldn’t cost you too much. If you would like an even more affordable solution, simply purchase an external gaming keyboard. You can then attach this to your computer and play on it as usual.

Needless to say, in most cases, it is simply easier to upgrade to a newer gaming laptop. Doing so has other perks as well since you get to enjoy the latest innovations in the industry. So, if you are experiencing issues with your older model, this may be the way to go. Either way, the information mentioned here should make it a great deal easier to come to a suitable decision, depending on your situation.


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