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Rogue Company – Impressions

Like a bunch of other Hi-Rez studios games, Rogue Company is an online hero shooter, kind of. Game play is your typical over the shoulder third person look with your character having unique perks and abilities exclusive to you. But not quite in the way of other games like Overwatch where it’s a mad dash to unleash your ULT on the competition, this game is much more strategic.


Where Rogue Company stands out is in it’s unique formula of a game more akin to counter strike with a touch of overwatch. Teams battle it out 4v4 in two different game play modes. The first is Demolition, where one team is given a bomb and an area to set and detonate it in, while the other team attempts to either wipe out the team or disarm the bomb. This mode is a little hard to play with randoms sometimes because there is alot of strategy involved. The second mode Strikeout is what they call their casual mode. It’s a team match with a number of shared lives, once you run out of team lives, you lose. You also gain points for capturing checkpoints as well, this doesn’t hold high rewards but lures both teams into the same area to rack up kills.

As I stated before this game focuses more on the shooter vs hero components, sure my character might be able to hack and disarm your remote mines, but it’s not like they can call in an airstrike and destroy your whole team. They can certainly give you an edge, but aren’t overpowered. The other fun aspect, similar to counter strike is the money aspect, as you gain points and kills in the match you are rewarded with currency that you use to upgrade weapons, change weapons or grenades, or unlock perks (such as quite steps, roll to reload, etc) adding another layer to this game rather than just run and gun.

The balance in this game is really good considering it’s only in beta. You don’t die too easy yet are not a bullet sponge as well, the characters are fun and different to play with. Crossplay and cross progression works great, i was able to play with friends, I was on Xbox, two were on PC and one on Nintendo Switch and it worked great, including voice chat.

Very excited what else comes and hits this game when it releases, but from what I’ve seen and experienced so far…. color me impressed.


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blank Kevin Austin has been in gaming journalism in one way or another since the launch of the Nintendo Gamecube. Married and father of 3 children he has been gaming since the ripe age of 6 when he got his first NES system and over 30 years later he is still gaming almost daily. Kevin is also co-founder of the Play Some Video Games (PSVG) Podcast network which was founded over five years ago and is still going strong. Some of his favorite gaming series includes Fallout and Far Cry, he is a sucker for single player adventure games (hence his big reviews for Playstation), and can frequently be found getting down in one battle royale or another. If it's an oddball game, odds are he's all about it.

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