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More Thoughts From Me #125: Are You A Kid Or A Squid?

I’m a squid. I’m not a kid anymore, so I’m a squid. I suppose. Maybe. Anyway, thats not the point of this article! This article is all about Splatoon 2. I especially want to talk about the new Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion, but I have to give my thoughts on the game as a whole too. I just got the game last month! What was the hold up? How am I liking it? What do I think of the Octo Expansion? Lets find out!


Splatoon 2 is awesome.

I had my doubts about Splatoon 2. I was a huge fan of the first Splatoon on the Wii U, but I thought that the second one looked too much like the original. I just didn’t see the point of having almost the same game on two platforms. But then recently I haven’t been playing my Wii U much. I am been obsessed with my Nintendo Switch. So I had the chance to get Splatoon 2 and I decided to do it. Even if it was just like the original, I thought it would be fun to play Splatoon in portable mode.

And boy was I wrong about Splatoon 2! While the game does have things in common with the first game, it is-overall-new and improved. The graphics on Splatoon 2 are fantastic. The paint colors are brighter than ever. The characters and environments are stunning to look at. Oh and the gameplay is so much better than first game and thats saying alot.

I love the online multiplayer in Splatoon 2. I think the second player is good too! I didn’t care much for the single player in the first game, but to me, the second game has the whole package-a really good single player and a great online experience.

Then there’s the just released Octo Expansion. I was able to snag the DLC on day one! I thought I’d have to wait awhile for it. But nope, I got the DLC and dug in.

The new single player DLC is actually better than the story mode we already had. Its unique and put together in a very interesting and different way from anything I’ve seen in Splatoon before. I think that Nintendo should have come up with something like this for the regular single player. I’m hoping that the single player on Splatoon 3 (you know it’ll happen) will be just as inventive and cool as this new DLC is.

Now, thats not saying that the DLC is perfect. The biggest problem with the new single player is that is really hard. Whew. It is hard. Man. These levels are tough. Thankfully, if you are having a lot of trouble with a level, you can bypass the level and go on. I suggest that when you run into a level thats hard on this DLC, that you take the pass. You can always come back to that level later on and try again. I guess Nintendo realized that these levels were hard and wanted to give people the option to just keep going instead of being frustrated about a level forever and just quit.

I really like this DLC a lot. I may even like it more than the online multiplayer. Well, ok, maybe not. Its a close thing though.

Also, if Nintendo ever does another big paid DLC for Splatoon 2, I’m there. I kind of doubt they will, but…you know…it would be cool to see some new online mode added. We have Salmon Run which is a neat new addition. I’m sure there’s another mode that could be added.

In any case, I like Splatoon 2 a lot. Nintendo took everything that was great about the first game and improved on it a lot. Wow. I’m glad I finally gave in and bought Splatoon 2. I should not have doubted Nintendo on this game and won’t make that mistake again!

So what do you think of Splatoon 2? Do you like the new single player DLC? Are you a squid or a kid?

Next week: I’ll take a look at Radiant Historia for the 3DS. Yes, I still play my 3DS. And if you like rpgs, you should too! I’ll tell you why this game is so cool next week.

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. I need to play more Salmon Run.



Article By

blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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