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MultiVersus | Official Cinematic Trailer – “You’re with Me!”

Warner Bros will soon have its own free-to-play Smash Bros. type of game. Check out the cinematic trailer for MultiVersus below.

MultiVersus is a free-to-play Smash Bros like game. It will star Bugs Bunny, Batman, Scooby Doo characters, Superman, Iron Giant, and many more. There will be an Alpha test this month and a beta test summer.

Its really amazing that it took Warner Bros this long to do a game like this. Warner has such a huge library of property and MuliVersus isn’t the first time that they’ve done a crossover (coughSpaceJamcough) but having a Smash Bros game with all of them is a first. Its a free-to-play game too, so there will be a lot of people checking it out when it comes out. Though, will the gameplay be as fun as Smash Bros? Time will tell.

Also, its strange that the game isn’t coming to the Nintendo Switch. It is coming to PS4, PS5, Xbox systems, and PC. Maybe if it proves popular, it’ll come to the Switch eventually.

What do you think of MultiVersus?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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