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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive – Betting Tips

As you may know, certain video games – mostly the ones that are quite popular on the eSports stage – are very close to becoming actual sports, as a couple of high schools around the world began to create their own professional gaming teams.


Therefore, it’s no wonder that CS: GO betting and skin gambling are one aspect of the game that simply doesn’t seem to go away. Even though they were – and still are, in some cases – controversial matters, the fact that some games are now called sports gives online betting agencies and case opening websites, such as, the right to go on with their business.

So, let’s see what is betting in terms of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Betting on CS: GO

As a CS: GO player or enthusiast, you have about three ways of making money through the game itself. Naturally, one of them is working hard enough to become a professional player, join one of the pro CS: GO teams, and test your luck in one of the many tournaments, be them local, national, or international.

On the other hand, we have betting on CS: GO matches or opening cases. These are the only betting options you have in the world of CS: GO.

  • Betting on CS: GO Matches

If you like the classic way of betting, then watching CS: GO matches and tournaments is your thing, as betting on these is very similar to betting on football matches, for example.

Nowadays, all you have to do is to turn on your Personal Computer or laptop, access your online betting website of choice, and start placing your bets. When it comes to CS: GO, you can place a bet on almost any major event or tournament.


You can place a bet on either a player, a team, or on a certain series.

Obviously, as with any other type of bet, betting on CS: GO comes with odds as well – therefore, you have to find the online platform that has the best odds, as well as a great variety of tournaments/ championships that you can place bets on.

  • Opening CS: GO Cases

Opening CS: GO cases is a passive way, so to say, of betting on CS: GO – the difference here is that you don’t bet on teams or players, but on in-game items, specifically weapons and knives skins. Looking at the highest valued items out there, it’s no wonder that so many people test their luck with a bunch of cases – basically, the profit can be huge if you are lucky.

A CS: GO case contains several items, which are valued depending on their rarity and their condition – you can get an item worth a couple of cents or dollars, but you also have the chance of getting one that’s worth more than 50-100 dollars.


For example, the AWP Dragon Lore skin is worth around $1555 – one case and key can cost as low as $2.50 or as high as $15, depending on its rarity. Therefore, one lucky case opening can give you some serious profit.

The Bottom Line

There are many people out there that are literally making a living out of opening CS: GO cases. Given the fact that the price of these skins is almost continuously changing, you can never know when you have something of real value in your Steam inventory.

Therefore, be it betting on CS: GO or simply opening cases, you do have the chance of making a profit. After all, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a sport and everyone that wants to make money out of it can do so via either of the options mentioned above.


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