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Is their “Lucky” Moments in Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Of Course!

If you’ve played games like Stardew Valley in the past, you know there are such things as lucky days, and unlucky days. In Stardew Valley, it’s a well known fact that if the spirits are smiling upon you, it’s a good day to trek into the mines, or into the Skull Cavern. Why? Because you are likely to pick up lots of diamonds and other valuable gems, or perchance cash in on gold or even iridium ore! We are over 150+ hours into Animal Crossing: New Horizons and I’m beginning to wonder if the game has what I call, “Lucky” Moments.


Let’s get this out of the way – yes, of course there is a luck mechanic, as there are ways to increase your luck within the game. But how does luck manifest itself in your game, and how often can you see luck without doing things to increase it?

I’ve never had a complete day of luck in Animal Crossing, but I’m 100% a believer that the game has some type of chance mechanic that makes moments of the game “lucky” for you. While I don’t capture as a standard journalist – as opposed to a content creator on YouTube – I’ve had multiple instances of luck happen to me over the past few weeks, and unfortunately for now, you’ll have to take my word for it!

At first, I thought it was just a coincidence, but now I’m not so sure. Let me highlight two examples. First, I’ve been looking to find a Coelacanth fish for some time now, and I know they are difficult to find based on the number of “How to Catch a Coelacanth” videos and articles I found online. Then somehow, in a matter of about 5 – 10 minutes, I had three of them, one away from having the ability to donate 1, and get a special mounted fish with the other three. My luck ran out, because after my 3rd, I began pulling up crap. But those 10 minutes were glorious!


Fast forward to this morning – I was wondering around my island catching rare bugs since Flick was visiting, and it seemed like more of them were spawning then normal. No big deal, I said, as this has happened many times before. After some time, my net obviously broke, and I had to craft a new one. With my house all the way across the island, I started shacking trees to get tree branches. Here is what happened with 9 consecutive trees shook:

Item. Item. Coin. Coin. Branch. Coin. Item. Branch. Coin.

I get it, saying it’s “lucky” to get a coin is pretty silly, as they are only worth 100 bells each. But when thinking back to how many items I’ve found in trees over my nearly 30 days of playing, I have to admit it has not been many. When asking my brother-in-law, he knew exactly how many he’s found since launch day: 3. Total.

Does luck exist in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?  We know it does to some extend, because if you Feng Shui your house, you can increase your overall luck. But, how often will you see luck on a regular day? Validate our opinion below with your own stories, or tell us we are crazy! Either way, I had a good morning exploring my island!


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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