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Don’t Starve While Playing Your Nintendo Switch

Always remember to eat…especially when you’re playing Don’t Starve. If you thought Don’t Starve was addictive on previous platforms, just wait until you can play Don’t Starve anywhere! The game is coming to the Nintendo Switch next week. A trailer has been released for the Switch edition and I have some thoughts below that.


I played Don’t Starve on the Wii U. I liked it a lot. It was so addictive and so hard. The goal of Don’t Starve is to basically survive as long as you can. And then go and do that again. its pretty great.

And next week, the game is coming to the Nintendo Switch. This time, Don’t Starve will have two expansion packs included: Reign of the Giants and Shipwrecked! It’ll only be $19.99 too!

I’m especially excited for the Shipwrecked DLC. I thought it looked excellent in the trailer. Sailing around, finding islands, trying to survive…oh man. This looks expansion looks good!

Are you excited for Don’t Starve Switch Edition? Will you be picking it up? Let us know in the comments!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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