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Must Things to Know Before You Begin with PoE

Path of Exile has been driving the players crazy because of the depth in its content. It is perfect for those who want a more robust version of games like Diablo 2 and even Diablo 3. In the same RPG genre, this game gives an experience that always remains in the players’ memory lane.


However, new players might want to know things necessary to keep in mind before beginning the play. Knowing these things guide you in the game, and you don’t shudder at every small happening.

Let’s carry on with the enlightenment.

Don’t Take Your First Character Too Seriously

This is for your own peace of mind! You are a newbie, which means there are plenty of things to try and fail at. The game is huge, and you are just a greenie who joined this expansion. Don’t get attached to your new and first character because it is going to burst out at later stages.

Go along with the flow while following the skill tree of the game, which unfolds new mysteries in every layer.

Gold is Not the Standard Currency

In fact, there is no currency at all in PoE, unlike other ARPGs. Forget about gold, and there are many in-game currencies that are needed to unlock different gears. The exchange system is what works in PoE; you trade something for something else, and that is how it works.

Here the orbs are famous, which also has other uses than just holding the monetary value. These orbs can be used to modify various items and contribute to crafting recipes. You can also Buy Chaos Orbs PoE if you want to collect the Orbs quicker than the traditional way of waiting for a monster to drop them.

Don’t Expect Everyone to Be a Saint

PoE can sometimes be a harsh world at many stages, especially for a newbie. It is possible that you meet some people completely jerks who only trade at a higher cost. You don’t have to fall prey to them; however, you can always check some third-party websites that provide PoE trading while being fair as well.

Also, the trolls can be expected in the community or in the chat section. New players are often trolled for asking questions; however, it is just all a part of the game, and soon you will know to handle it like a boss.

Deaths of Your Character are Normal

Don’t expect your character to be immortal because, just like any RPG, the complexity level increases with every step. The creep increases as the game progress, and this means the player receives more damage than before.

So there will be sudden deaths, and you will have no control over it. For example, you might have played from Level 1 to 80 with your first character; the same might not be possible for the late game.

Item Descriptions Can Be Misleading

PoE gives its players a loot system where things have their descriptions for you to get to know them. However, don’t take everything literal, especially the descriptions you are not clear about.


The game has a specific dictionary, and it is wise to open the game’s wiki to know the actual meaning of the words.

This would help you understand the items better and which ones you should pick and leave. Since Orbs are the in-game currency of PoE, there are many kinds of Orbs in the game. Players often Buy PoE Currency to own these different Orbs which are used to trade and exchange several powerful gears. So when you can’t own some items due to lack of devotion, you can opt for such purchases of currency and upgrade your game.

Don’t Jump on the Hardcore Mode Just Yet

There is a Hardcore mode in PoE, just like other ARPGs like Diablo. It is a mode where the death of the character is certain and unavoidable. This might excite players to try the mode even before they have built a sound foundation and developed their understanding of the game.

Don’t make the mistake of entering Hardcore directly without knowing how to process images and words. If you still go for it, it would be a heart-breaking death of your character. Complete the Standard modes first, comprehend the game’s mechanics, and choose the Hardcore mode.


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