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8 Reliable Tips To Help You Rank Up in CS:GO

Progressing through ranks in Counter-Strike might seem like a great challenge to some. Their hours and hours of playtime are not enough as they lack the skill set needed for a steady rank progression.


Are you one of those players struggling to go through CS:GO ranks? Do you seek a way to improve your game and win skins that you can sell on Skincashier?

Playing the game with such a vast and skillful player base might be difficult if you don’t improve your skills enough to compete with some of the best in the game.

Their success could never be so great without them learning how to use the game mechanics in their favor and dominate the opposition in competitive matches and tournaments.

We’re here to cover those skills that ranked them high on CS:GO ranks ladder and at the same time convey the knowledge to you.

Pay close attention, as this will be your ticket to a faster rank progression.

Sound Is Very Important

As in any other FPS game, the sound will play a key role in detecting other players and the weapons they’re using.

Our best advice on this matter is to go out and buy a good quality headset with a noise cancellation option included. Now in 2021, these headphones are available in any tech and gadgets store in your neighborhood or online.

When using these headphones, your awareness will be on a much higher level, and you’ll immediately improve your gameplay.

Learn To Use the Minimap

Map awareness is a skill that you can use to your advantage and dominate the opposition.

A large number of players forget to look at the minimap while playing. That’s the biggest mistake they can make.


Then minimap will tell you a lot about the players positioning, which will help you make the right decisions when planning your approach. Players ignoring the minimap in the corner never have any luck playing with the big boys.

Make yourself more observant of the minimap and learn how to use it to your advantage.

Bomb Planting Tactics

Bomb planting tactics win the game in most cases when teams know what they’re doing.

Planting the bomb in the right place will allow your team to position themselves in the right places for a better defense. You can have better angles and views of the entrances to the site, which will help your team defend it successfully.

Practice these tactics with your clan, and improve your overall performance when defending a bombsite.

Keep Tabs on Your Ammo

Always keep in mind the amount of ammo you have during the entire match.

With the right piece of information, the clutch time will not end up miserably because you’ve failed to ration your ammo.

If you know how much ammo you have, planning your tactics according to your possibilities at that point will result in a much better success rate.

Prevent any bloopers at the end of the match by losing your ammo when you need it the most.

Spray Patterns Are Your Friend

Improve your skills by learning the different spray patterns of each weapon when firing bursts or spraying.

Each weapon has different spray patterns and they will perform in different ways when firing. You could learn how to manage the recoil of the gun and find a way to aim at the same time.

When you master these spray patterns, you’ll have much more luck hitting your target and getting more frags. The number of frags you’ll make will push you through ranks much faster than ever before.

Master the weapons and let them work in your favor.

More Team Play, More Wins

Counter-Strike was never a solo game. The more practice you and your team gets, the more wins you’ll take when competing in tournaments.

The communication between you and in-game tactics practiced before the match will result in much better scores.


Learn how to take advantage of your strength and cover your weaknesses, as it will impact your gameplay drastically. Cover each other back at any time, and have trust that someone is always there for you.

Create phrases that will help you communicate much faster and straightforward whenever you need to make split-second decisions.

Defusing the Bomb

As we talked about the importance of planting the bomb up in the text, defusing it comes shoulder-to-shoulder to planting.

Practice the approach on the bombsite with your team. Try to create a tactic where everyone will have the assignment to cover an angle or go for the bomb.

Before the match starts, when you’re still buying the loadout, figure out if all of you will carry a defuse kit or just one of you.

If you’re doing an ECO round, then you might consider only one of you buying a defuse kit as it costs money that you can later use.

Don’t Use the Same Route Each Round

Try to be more unpredictable as the match progresses.

If you repeatedly use the same plan, your opponents won’t have a hard time figuring out how to counter it. Different tactics will make your team much more competitive, which will bring you more wins.

While the preset tactics you’ve established will make your team more compact, learning how to improvise on the spot will win you nerve-breaking matches.

Try to mix up the opponents by not being predictable at any time.


Going through ranks will not be an easy task. It will take you a lot of time and effort to reach the top of the rank ladder owned only by the best in the game.

Use these pieces of advice and put together a winning team that will help you on your road to greatness.

Working as a team will bring you much more success and make you go up much faster.


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blank Software Developer,Admin,Gamer,Gambling Expert and recently a happy parent :) so generally busy...

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