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Mobile Gaming Continues Dominance Through 2020

The Google Play Store and the Apple App Store use to be beacons of quality content for your mobile phone. Great titles like Plants Versus Zombies, Angry Birds, and a few others were one of many quality titles available on these mobile games shops.


Folks ate them up, plopping down up to 9.99 for unlimited access to some of the best games, coming from some of the biggest publishers like PopCap. The early days of mobile gaming was also it’s Golden age. While demand for games has grown, and continues to dominate, the quality of said games has taken a drastic slide. But yet, mobile gaming has dominated, even in 2020.
Mobile gaming is huge, no doubt about it. It’s quick, it’s easy, and with so many free-to-play options, it’s even affordable! Even things like the heart bingo sister site are great ways to kill some time while on the go. It’s not wonder that mobile gaming is the biggest gaming platform on the planet. I’d be hard pressed to find an adult I know that does not own a cell phone. They are everywhere, and with data plans getting better and better, and much more affordable, even playing graphics heavy online MMOs is possible, all via your mobile phone. It really is something.
Unfortunately, you have to wade through loads of crap before you can find something that will really stick. Take, for example, the farmville clones. Some are great, like those from G5 Entertainment, while others are downright shovel-ware crap. But finding the good titles can often be incredibly difficult, as companies (illegally in my opinion) offer in-game incentives to folks providing stellar 5 star reviews. It’s a shady practice, and it makes find the actual good games REALLY hard to find.
Still, when you land on a gem among the ashes, there is something satisfying about it. Often, these great titles are coming from popular mobile game publisers. A few favorites of mine are Disney’s Magic Kingdom from Gameloft, and Simpson’s Tapped Out from EA. Both are phenomenal titles, and while chalked full of pay-to-play mechanics, there is still enough free content to keep you engaged for hours, months, and even years.
Mobile gaming is also popular because you can do it virtually anywhere, from your office chair to the porcelain throne in your bathroom. While the Nintendo Switch gets close to scratching this area, it’s still to big and bulky to easy take anywhere. Lately, I’ve been using a few free minutes throughout the day to design and build up my farm in Stardew Valley. A few minutes here and a few minutes there, and slowly but surely I’m making it through the various seasons and years. Since a full day in Stardew only takes 15 minutes, I can complete an entire day on just one break from work – that’s why mobile gaming is so popular.
Mobile Gaming is bigger than ever before, and even the launch of the Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5 isn’t going to stop that. It’s just not possible.

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blank Software Developer,Admin,Gamer,Gambling Expert and recently a happy parent :) so generally busy...

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