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Professor Layton Vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Coming 2014


Professor Layton Vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney was one of the games that convinced me a 3DS was worth buying. It was originally announced in 2010 and was released in Japan at the end of last year. It didn’t look like it was ever going to see a Western Release. As a last minute surprise in today’s Nintendo Direct, however, it was revealed that Professor Layton, Luke, Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey will be coming to western 3DS consoles early next year.

Four years is a long time to wait for any one game, but Professor Layton Vs Phoenix Wright promises to entertain, with quite a bit of positive reaction following its release in Japan.

That’s not to say that there’s very much exciting or new about the adventure. Professor Layton collects picarats, solves puzzles and explores an unusual, myth-inspired locale while Phoenix Wright must cross-examine witnesses and call people out when they’re lying. It might seem obvious to say, but Professor Layton Vs Phoenix Wright is almost literally what happens when you take a Professor Layton game and a Phoenix Wright game and then just mix bits of each together.

There doesn’t even seem to be much in the way of blending.

Still, if you’re a fan of either franchise, and especially if you’re a fan of both, today you can celebrate just a little bit in the knowledge that you’ll be able to play Professor Layton Vs Phoenix Wright in the not too distant future.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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