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Thimbleweed Park


Thimbleweed Park Review

If you’ve ever played Manic Mansion or Monkey Island or King’s Quest or any number of Adventure games and loved them, then boy do I have a new Switch game for you! Let me take you to Thimbleweed Park. Come on now. Nobody here bites, not even that cursing clown… I love Thimbleweed Park’s story. It is so crazy, out there, and utterly delightful. If you like Adventure games at all, you will love the things that this game comes…

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More Thoughts From Me #87: Its Time For Adventure!

I was going to write about third party games and the Switch this week but my heart wasn’t really in it. I do hope third parties continue to come to the system, but I just felt like there was something else I needed to be talking about. And then it came to me: ADVENTURE GAMES. Why adventure games? Because this genre is making a huge comeback lately, especially on Nintendo Switch. Hopefully on the day this is posted, there will…

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Solving a Point & Click Murder: A Look At Thimbleweed Park for Nintendo Switch

I’m pretty sure I mentioned my love for old school PC Adventure games here on before. If I haven’t, well, I just did. I loved playing games like Space Quest and King’s Quest on PC. I also really dug the NES adventure games like Deju Vu, Shadowgate, and the Uninvited. In more recent history, I thought Tales of Monkey Island was great on the Wii. So when I heard about a new point and click adventure from the maker…

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