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League of Evil


League of Evil Review

Mission Log. 8/31/2017. The League of Evil have sent their scientists out to cause trouble. I have been dispatched to elimiate them by any means neccessary. I prefer my fists. The League of Evil will not win. With my Nintendo Switch in hand, I’ll take them down and then go out for a beer. League of Evil’s story is pretty simple, but the addition of humor helps it a bit. Its a very dry humor, so its possible that some…

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League of Evil 3 Review

Never a fan of torturous hardcore platformers, Ravenous Games' League of Evil stole my heart in 2011 with its magnificent controls and pixelated graphic style. Not only did it kick off the well-loved (and hated) "retro" trend that captured the App Store for the next year or so, but it also showed that iOS was a serious gaming platform, one capable of precise controls and infectious, original ideas. After ditching the pixel art style and dialing down the difficulty with last year's League of Evil 2, Ravenous returns to the well once again with League of Evil ...

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