Square Enix has released a new trailer showing off all the Final Fantasy games that are coming to the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 (also: Final Fantasy 9). Please take a look at it and then come back for my thoughts on the games. I absolutely love this video. What a fantastic legacy of games! Most of them will be coming to the Switch and Xbox One this year. Chocobo’s Dungeon EVERY BUDDY and Crystal Chronicles will be…
Read MoreFinal Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster – Trailer (Nintendo Switch)
I remember going to Gamestop at nine pm to pick up Final Fantasy X for the PS2. There was a really long line of people waiting for this game. I had never seen anything like it. I didn’t usually go to get games on the first day like that. I haven’t done that since, but it was well worth it for Final Fantasy X. It is one of my favorite Final Fantasy games. And now its coming to the Switch…
Read MoreFinal Fantasy 7, 10 and 10-2, and 12 Are Available To Pre-Purchase on the Switch Eshop
I’m still amazed that Final Fantasy 7, 10/10-2, and 12 are coming to the Nintendo Switch. I loved playing Final Fantasy 9 on the system. I can’t wait to play these other games. If you want to buy them, they are available now to pre-purchase! Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 10/10-2, and Final Fantasy 12 are all listed in the Nintendo Switch’s Coming Soon section right now! They all can be pre-purchased too. Final Fantasy 7 is $15.99 and will…
Read MoreFinal Fantasy 10/10-2 and Final Fantasy 12 Releasing on the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One in April
Final Fantasy 10/10-2 and Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age being announced for the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One was a big deal. These games have never been released on a home console outside of the Playstation systems. So finally Nintendo and Microsoft fans will get to check these games out. But when are they coming out? Final Fantasy 10/10-2 will be coming to the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One on April 16th. Meanwhile, Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age…
Read MoreFinal Fantasy is Coming to the Nintendo Switch In A Big Way
Thanks to Square Enix announcing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD early, we knew about these games already. However, Square Enix did not stop with those game announcements… A bunch of Final Fantasy games are coming to the Switch! Along with Crystal Chronicles and Pocket Edition HD (OUT TODAY), we will be getting World of Final Fantasy Maxima on November 6th. And Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy! will be coming this year too. Then next…
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