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Battletoads Review

Finally, the answer to the question “Do you have Battletoads?” is an emphatic “Yes!”, at least if you have an Xbox One (or PC) and subscribe to Gamepass (which…c’mon man. If you’ve got an Xbox One, you should have Gamepass).   Anywho: 26 years after the franchise last appeared in the arcades, and 27 years after the last console release, the Battletoads have returned to kick some tail. The game tries to be a lot of different things, and mostly…

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More Thoughts From Me E3 Edition: Microsoft Brings The Games

Hello. How is everyone? Can we now pretend like EA didn’t go yesterday? Can we pretend like Microsoft is the one who started E3? If you didn’t see today’s Microsoft E3 conference, you may be wondering: “Why would we do that?” Well…hey…I can’t give away my entire article in this introduction. Instead, lets JUMP IN. I had my doubts going into this years Microsoft E3 conference. Xbox just hasn’t been doing too great lately. And then I saw the conference…

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