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Anodyne Review

I took a look at Anodyne earlier in the week and liked it. Now its time to review the game. Is Anodyne an adventure worth taking or should you skip this one? Anodyne is an action/adventure rpg that will remind you of the Legend of Zelda andĀ its humor will remind you of Earthbound. However, Anodyne does have its own unique (dark) story, characters, enemies, and areas to explore. Anodyne’s retro style is very charming and its gameplay is solid.…

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Armed With A Broom and His Wits: A Look At Anodyne for Nintendo Switch

What do you get when you combine Zelda and Earthbound? If you said Rainbite’s Reverie, then you’re right. But if you also said Anodyne from publisher Noooo you’d be right too. While Anodyne has a slightly darker look to it then Earthbound or Zelda, it shares much in common with both. Anodyne is coming to the Nintendo Switch this Thursday. I received a review copy of it and wanted to give you a glimpseĀ into this unique game’s world. Anodyne…

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