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7th Dragon


Preparing For A Trip Through Time: A Look at the 7th Dragon III Code: VFD 3DS Demo

I love stories involving time travel. One of my all-time favorite games is Chrono Trigger. So when I heard about 7th Dragon III Code: VFD for 3DS, a game where a group of hunters go back in time to find some dragons, I was definitly interested in it. The videos looked good. Though, as always, I prefer to get hands-on with a game through a demo rather than just looking at online footage. And just as I was thinking about…

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7th Dragon III: Code: VFD Is Coming to the 3DS This Summer

This is the new of the 3DS rpg. Every time you turn around, someone is announcing or showing off an upcoming rpg for the system. The latest to announce an rpg is Sega. 7th Dragon III: Code: VFD has been announced for this summer. 7th Dragon: III Code: VFD will be coming to the 3DS this summer. The game will take place in multiple time periods and let you create your own character to play as. There are 32 different…

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