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Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD Announced for Nintendo Switch

The Mega Man 11 demo wasn’t the only surprise we received last night. Square Enix released a trailer showing off Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD and at the end of the trailer…the game was announced for the Switch (its out now for PS4 and Xbox One). Here’s the trailer for the game and after that, there’s some thoughts from me.

I’ve never played Final Fantasy 15. I don’t have an Xbox One or a Playstation 4. I have seen footage of 15 and the graphics are good but it doesn’t really look like Final Fantasy to me…

Enter Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD. Oh. My. Gosh. Wow. This game absolutely looks like a Final Fantasy game. It reminds me of Final Fantasy 7 and 9 especially. I like the graphics in this trailer a lot. Of course, not much actual gameplay is shown off but I do know that this game has an action rpg battle system.

To me, if FF15 Pocket Edition HD had a turn-based battle system, it would be perfect. However, it doesn’t, so its not perfect but I’m still pretty excited for this game! I’m excited for the chance to play 15 finally. I’m excited to see a style that looks more Final Fantasy to me too.

There was no Nintendo Switch release date announced for this game though. It is already available on the Playstation 4 and the Xbox One. Will we see this game soon? Is it coming with the delayed Nintendo Direct? I suppose we’ll see. I just know that I really want to play this game. I hope its good!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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