Disney Magic Kingdoms – Chapter 2: Unlocking Christopher Robins
Chapter 2 of the return of Maleficent has begun, and we are collecting drums in order to unlock Christopher Robins! Depending on how hard you worked during Chapter 1, you might have excesses tokens to buy drums, and get a head start on Chapter 2. With a few days left in this chapter, we have all the details you need to succeed!
As always, we are playing Disney Magic Kingdoms on our Google Pixel 2, provided to us by Google Canada. The Pixel 2 is a great multimedia phone with two front facing speakers for an optimum audio experience, whether playing games, watching movies, or listening to music! Read our review here.
At 350 tokens required to purchase each drum, players will have a lot of work ahead of themselves if they hope to unlock 25 drums before the chapter concludes. For those who had extra tokens to spare after Chapter 1 – or performed well enough to earn extra tokens as a bonus – will have a head start on getting everything for Chapter 2. Should you be far into the game, most of the characters you will use to earn tokens will be unlocked, and as always, the higher the level of character, the more tokens you will earn.
So who is helping out this time around? Once again we will be using the services of Mickey and Friends, and staple for these challenges as it allows even new players to get in on the action regardless of how far they are in the game. With the special character for this event – Happy – comes all the other Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs characters, who will work alongside Pirates of the Caribbean characters and Sleeping Beauty characters.
With only a few days left, players will have to get on their devices frequently to make sure they are pumping out tower challenges every two hours, on top of doing other quests within the event to earn tokens to refresh characters that have already been used. Diligent players shouldn’t have any issues getting everything done, but for a bit of an extra advantage, make sure you are wisely using your gems to unlock premium characters like Jack Sparrow, who will help you in your quest!