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Big Brain Academy: Brain Vs. Brain Review

Big Brain Academy: Brain Vs. Brain

Release: January 1, 1970
Genre: Family, Genres, Nintendo Switch Categories, Other, Party, Puzzle, Switch Reviews


Worth a Play About Rating
7.5 - Gameplay
7.0 - Video
7.0 - Audio

Are you ready to train your brain? Nintendo has brought a brand-new brain training game to the Switch: Big Brain Academy: Brain Vs. Brain! Is it any good? Here’s our review! School might be out soon, but Nintendo is keeping the learning going throughout the holidays!


Big Brain Academy: Brain Vs. Brain is a brain training game much like Brain Age from the DS. If you’ve never played a brain training game before, basically, you play a series of small games that test your mind like remembering objects, counting from lowest to highest, identifying a zoomed in image, and more.

All of the games are simplistic visually and gameplay wise. Big Brain Academy isn’t a game that will take up too much space in your Switch’s memory if you download it. However, even though it is a simple game, it is still pretty addictive. See, the challenge to always be better and to do better is built into all of us as human beings, and Nintendo has latched onto that philosophy and put in enough content to keep fans coming back again and again.

The games in Big Brain Academy are short but you’ll find yourself retrying them every day to see if you can get a better score and unlock new rewards. And thats really what Big Brain Academy is all about: training your brain every day. It is a game thats meant to be played in short doses.


You can play the game on your own, via local multiplayer, or challenge a player’s Ghost Data. The ghost data is a recording of someone else’s gameplay. You can challenge a stranger’s ghost data, an online Switch friends data, a family members, or look up someone’s ghost data.

There is no online multiplayer in Big Brain Academy and that is absolutely a missed opportunity. Ghost Data challenging is fun, especially when no one you know is online, but its too bad you can’t play online multiplayer with friends at least. If you have folks around you locally, the local play can be a ton of fun and really exciting.

Overall, Big Brain Academy is good but it won’t be for everyone.


If you want to challenge your mind and/or sharpen it a little, Big Brain Academy is for you. If you have no interest in that, then you probably won’t like this game. Even though the initial content offerings might seem low, it is important to remember that this is a budget title from Nintendo, retailing for 39.99 CAD, half the price of the standard 79.99 titles.

Big Brain Academy is a good brain training game for the Switch. Online multiplayer would have absolutely taken the brain training to the next level though. Oh well. As it stands, Big Brain Academy: Brain Vs. Brain is a good game that fans of the genre will enjoy.

Thank you to Nintendo Canada for providing a digital code for this review. Big Brain Academy: Brain Vs. Brain is now available via retail on and the Nintendo Switch eshop!



Article By

blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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