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Another Crusade Review

Another Crusade

Release: September 15, 2023
Publisher: Limited Run Games
Developer: Dragon Vein Studios
Genre: Action, Adventure, Genres, Indie, Nintendo Switch Categories, Role-playing, Switch Reviews, Turn-Based, Video


Great About Rating
8.5 - Gameplay
8.5 - Video
8.5 - Audio

Another Crusade is a unique looking turn-based rpg that recently came out for the Nintendo Switch. We took a look at it and let you know if its any good. Here is our review!

In Another Crusade, you play as Sir Rai Reysend, a knight on a quest to find out who or what created some mysterious mystical barriers. The story is cute and funny. The game’s dialogue is not serious whatsoever. And while the story is neat, the gameplay is definitely the main attraction.

Another Crusade is a turn-based rpg with timing mechanics that will remind players of games like Paper Mario. If you time a hit right, you can attack an enemy just a bit more. Also special moves like healing or special attacks will have you hold down a button or move the analog stick. It sounds gimmicky but the timing mechanics make the combat very engaging and fun.

Meanwhile, the environments you wander around in are pretty linear with some branching paths but Another Crusade isn’t an open world rpg. If you’ve ever played Super Mario RPG, then you’ll have a good handle on this game’s linear paths. The game doesn’t feel confined; the branching paths help add some exploration. There’s a really neat world map too!

Another Crusade is definitely a fun game that rpg fans will enjoy a lot. Combat and exploration are really good. Another Crusade has unique, cute graphics too!

Another Crusade is a cute looking game. The characters look like wood puppets and the environments look like diorama’s that someone created. Another Crusade is one of the most unique rpg’s we’ve seen lately. The look may not appeal to everyone but the graphics along with its fun combat and exploration add up to a great game.

If you love turn-based rpgs and want something a bit different, then Another Crusade is a game you’ll want to play. The combat and exploration are fun. The graphics are so different from what we normally see in rpgs. Another Crusade is a game that rpg fans will want to check out!

Thank you to Limited Run Games for providing a digital code for this review. Another Crusade is out now on the Nintendo Switch eshop!



Article By

blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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