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Chaos Galaxy

Chaos Galaxy

Release: July 13, 2023
Publisher: eastasiasoft
Developer: Han Zhiyu
Genre: Adventure, Genres, Nintendo Switch Categories, Simulation, Strategy, Switch Reviews, Tactical


Worth a Play About Rating
7.5 - Gameplay
7.5 - Video
7.5 - Audio

Do you like games like Advance Wars or PC strategy games? Then you may be interested in Chaos Galaxy for the Nintendo Switch! Here is our review.

Chaos Galaxy is a strategy/sim where you pick a faction out of several choices and starting building up a fleet of ships and take part in Advance Wars like combat, expect with spaceships instead of tanks. With each faction, there is a different story and that leads to a lot of replay value for this game.


The gameplay is a lot like a PC game because you have a cursor that you use to select ships and upgrade, attack and more. Chaos Galaxy does have touch screen support in portable mode and it does work well. Though you’ll still need to use the left analog stick to look around the galaxy. Selecting menus with the touch screen is very easy. The game’s regular controls work well too.

However, Chaos Galaxy is a pretty complex game. There’s so many things to juggle. This isn’t simply an Advance Wars style strategy game. In this game, you buy troops, upgrade them, and more. If you enjoy PC strategy games with a bit of the sim genre, then you’ll feel right at home with Chaos Galaxy.


As far as its graphics go, Chaos Galaxy isn’t a flashy game. Its graphics are pretty simple for the most part but fit the strategy/sim feel of the game well.

Overall, Chaos Galaxy is recommended for PC strategy/sim fans who want something a little more complex on the Switch. This game takes patience because its a much slower placed game than console strategy fans are used to. With its many factions though, there’s a lot of gameplay here. Fans of this genre will likely enjoy this game.

Thanks to Plan of Attack for providing a review code for this game. Chaos Galaxy is available now for the Nintendo Switch.



Article By

blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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