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Burnout Paradise Remastered Review

Burnout Paradise Remastered

Release: January 1, 1970
Genre: Action, Genres, Nintendo Switch Categories, Racing, Switch Reviews


Excellent About Rating
9.5 - Gameplay
9.5 - Video
9.0 - Audio

Burnout Paradise, the last entry in the franchise (so far), has never been on a Nintendo system before. Enter Burnout Paradise Remastered for the Nintendo Switch! As a fan of the franchise, I was pretty excited to see this game come to the system. But does it live up to the hype?


Burnout Paradise Remastered isn’t your normal Burnout game. Previous games in the franchise were all about linear race tracks. Paradise is an open world racing game. The player can just drive around town(s) crashing into stuff and finding things or they can take on challenges like races! They can do both really.

And the game is very impressive on the Nintendo Switch. There is a bit of loading before you get into the game, but once you’re in it you won’t have to worry about load times! Paradise City and Big Surf Island are massive playgrounds. Its amazing how well they work on this system.

There are a ton of cars and even bikes to choose from in this version of the game.  Some of them are unlocked after the start and there are even more to unlock as you go. My favorite are the Legendary cars! I like the one that hovers; it makes me want to watch Back to the Future again.

Then there’s the crashing, which is in my mind the most important thing about Burnout. It is as cool and fun as it ever was. I love it. Road Rage is still my favorite event in Burnout Paradise. Its Burnout at its purest: takedowns galore!

Burnout Paradise Remastered’s single player mode is fantastic. If you need more than that though, the game does have online multiplayer and from my time checking it out, it works well. I enjoyed single player the most but those who crave online Burnout, its here! Go get it!

Best of all: the game controls well. The joycons work great in handheld mode, but I think I enjoyed playing this game with a Pro controller even more. It took a moment for me to adapt to the slightly different controls but once I did, it was a blast!

Burnout Paradise Remastered is an excellent game on the Switch. It looks wonderful in handheld and, especially, on the TV.


In handheld mode, Burnout Paradise looks and runs great. However, the game looks even better on television. The cars and the environments look amazing on the TV. If you want to play the game in portable mode, don’t worry about it: Burnout looks great in portable. That said, if you want Burnout Paradise Remastered at its best, play it on the TV!

Meanwhile, the music in this game really good. I’m not a fan of every song but I like that theres good variety in the music. Still, its too bad that the Switch doesn’t have the option to let you play your own music in games. The 360 really spoiled us.

Oh and of course, the sound effects in this game are even better then the music. Crashing wouldn’t be the same without the wonderful sound effects that go along with it.

Burnout Paradise Remastered itself is near perfect. This is game is a must have for arcade racing fans!


Burnout Paradise Remastered is such a great game. EA did an amazing job with this port. I’d love to see more Burnout games on the Nintendo Switch.

If you are a fan of the series or you just love arcade racing games, then you owe it to yourself to get this game. It is well worth the asking price. I will be playing this game for a long time. Excuse me, I think I hear Paradise City calling me now!

Burnout Paradise Remastered is now available at retail and on the Nintendo Switch eshop!


Article By

blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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