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Epic Dumpster Bear 1.5 DX: Dumpster Fire Rebirth Review

Epic Dumpster Bear 1.5 DX: Dumpster Fire Rebirth

Release: April 18, 2024
Publisher: Log Games LTD
Developer: Log Games LTD
Genre: Action, Adventure, Genres, Indie, Nintendo Switch Categories, Platformer, Switch Reviews, Video


Great About Rating
8.0 - Gameplay
7.0 - Video
8.0 - Audio

Epic Dumpster Bear was on the Wii U previously. This new version of the game contains a different story, some new powerups and the controls of the second game. Is this as good as the original version? Let’s find out!

Epic Dumpster Bear 1.5 DX Dumpster Fire Rebirth is about a bear who has had it up to here with a corporation and so he tries to take matters into his own hands. He faces all kinds of monsters on his journey to get justice. Epic Dumpster Bear has a pretty weird, funny story that goes along with its weird, funny gameplay. This isn’t a game to take seriously. It is fun though.

Its been awhile since we looked at the Wii U port of this game. However, Eric Dumpster Bear D.X. seems to play a lot like the previously game. Its a fun 2D platformer, along with occasional 3D levels, that has pretty good controls. There are a lot of levels and you can even play the first game if you beat the new D.X. version. So thats a lot of playtime for this unique and fun game. Its not a great looking game, but it is a pretty good one anyway.

The graphics in Epic Dumpster D.X. are just as good as the first game. It isn’t the best looking game on the Switch, but its not the worst either. There is a certain charm to its goofy graphics. Meanwhile, its soundtrack is really good. The music is well done.

Epic Dumpster Bear D.X. won’t be everyone. Its graphics are pretty goofy, so its story, but the gameplay and the music help with its charm. If you liked the original on Wii U, then you’ll enjoy this game too. If you’ve never played Epic Dumpster Bear, this is a good place to start. It has both the first game and this new version of the first game. Its a pretty neat game.

Thanks to Log Games for providing a digital copy of this game for review. Epic Dumpster Bear DX is now available for the Nintendo Switch eshop!



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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