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Switch Reviews


Hades Review

Now and then a game comes out that you know you’re going to love. And when it finally releases, it’s even better than you’d hoped. Supergiant Games’ most recent release, Hades, is exactly that kind of game for me. It takes some of my favorite parts of past Supergiant games, improves on them, and adds my favorite roguelike implementation in any game. I adore each of the developer’s games and count Transistor and Bastion in-particular among my favorite games ever.…

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Fight Crab Review

Fight Crab is a new type of 3-D fighting game that grants the player complete autonomy and control of their limbs as a playable crab. Create your own play-style and unique moves by utilizing the physics of your surroundings, and the unique movement style of each species of crab. The battles are Super Smash Bros in how they play out, there is no health bars, just percentage of damage done to you and your opponent.  Your goal is to flip…

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Super Mario 3D All Stars Review

Its Mario's 35th Anniversary this year and Nintendo is celebrating with a whole bunch of awesome things, including the release of Super Mario 3D All Stars for the Nintendo Switch. The collection contains three games: Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Galaxy. And has now reviewed all three and its time to tell you whether this collection is worth picking up!

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Gear.Club Unlimited 2 Review

Gear.Club Unlimited 2’s new Endurance race expansion turns the game into something that, until now, just hasn’t been available on the Nintendo Switch. Finally, sim racing fans have an actual option on the hybrid handheld console.   That’s not to say that the Gear.Club Unlimited sequel is a sim racer. The game is still largely the same in terms of structure: it feels a lot like a mobile racing game, with a defined progression track, a piecemeal upgrade system and…

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Harvest Moon: Mad Dash Review

What do you get when you take Harvest Moon, take out all the RPG elements, add some really simple puzzles and then charge £17 for it? Well, you get Harvest Moon: Mad Dash, and you might well wish you hadn’t. Here is a game that’s almost entirely the opposite of what Harvest Moon is all about, but with the name splashed all over it and the familiar sprites front and centre. It’ll almost make growing vegetables seem a chore, if…

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Giraffe and Annika – Review

As a gamer we are often analyzing the value of a game by it’s length. We want the most bang for our buck, however at times games can overstay their welcome and become a fetch-quest driven chore of a time to complete. Giraffe and Annika is not that type of game, it is a charming fairy tale of an adventure game that can be beaten in 6 hours or less. A magical, mystery-filled adventure awaits! When a young girl named …

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Brunch Club Review

Once upon a time, games were made to work as well as possible, and any janky physics or annoying glitches were the result of mistakes or oversights by developers. Today, as with Brunch Club, janky physics and annoying glitches are the game. Apparently it’s fun. We’ve seen it time and time again. Goat Simulator and Surgeon Simulator put their awfulness front and centre. The only reason to buy into it is the memes. Brunch Club isn’t that bad, but it’s…

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Crysis Remastered (Switch) Review

While there are all sorts of nifty benchmarking tools out there for PCs, it feels like for years that the common refrain when testing a new PC build was to see how it ran Crysis.  It’s a game that, at its best, is one to show off to your friends.  With gorgeous landscapes and  superhuman abilities for the player, it’s a game that’s supposed to look good.  It’s an old game though. It originally came out the same year as…

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Skater XL

Skater XL Review

Fingerboarding, along with having really, really good Pokemon, was one of the main ways of proving you were cool when I was in school. I remember it well – wearing a leather jacket and awesome sunglasses, armed with a stick used to beat off the girls, I’d flick my way through the schoolyard with my tiny skateboard. It wasn’t the size though, dear reader, it was what you did with it, and that sums up my experience with Skater XL…

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Carrion Review

Videogames are often about defeating the big scary monster that’s tormenting the humans, but if you’ve ever wanted to flip the script and be that scary monster, Carrion is for you.  The folks over at Phobia Game Studio have put together a metroidvania style game that makes you feel powerful, clever, and has some of the most fluid movement of any game this year. Carrion puts you in the role of an unnamed monster that’s broken out of containment in…

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