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More Thoughts From Me #111: You Can Climb That Mountain…Maybe!

There are some games that are so hard that you just want to throw your controller or in the case of the Switch, your system, and give up games altogether. And then there are other games that are hard and yet you don’t want to give up on the game. These are hard, maybe a bit punishing at times, and very addictive. Celeste for the Nintendo Switch fits into that second catogory. Its a hard game. Its also a very…

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More Thoughts From Me Special Edition: An Awesome New Nintendo Direct

There was a Nintendo Direct today and as the title says “It was awesome.” How was it awesome? Did you even watch that Direct? If you didn’t, check it out below and come back for my thoughts on what was shown. Today’s Nintendo Direct is the best one we’ve had for awhile. I was amazed by so many of the things we’ve saw. First of all, I am a huge Warioware fan. So the announcement of a new Wariorware game…

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Mario Tennis Aces Serves up Tons of New Content

Mario Tennis Aces got a ton of new content announcements today during the Nintendo Direct, including major details on some of the new shot types coming. Check out below what you'll expect to see in Mario Tennis Aces!

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Showndown With the Scribblenauts

The Scribblenauts franchise has never been super popular but it has always  been unique and interesting. One of my favorites was the Scribblenauts DC Universe game for the Wii U. Things haven’t looked great for the franchise and I doubted we see another game. And so it was a surprise when Scriblenauts Showdown was announced for the Nintendo Switch. The game is out now and I received a review copy of the game! My review isn’t ready yet, but I…

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Abdallah Details 10 Beginner Tips for Nintendo Labo

Recently, our good friend Abdallah was flown out to San Francisco and put up in accommodations by Nintendo of America and given the opportunity to play around with Nintendo Labo in a closed environment. Abdallah had the opportunity to film some great video to use in a video - see below - and also pointed out his top 10 tips for those just starting out with Nintendo Labo. What kind of tips is Abdallah providing? We will point a few of the obvious ones below, but for tips on creating new cardboard pieces and learning how your creations work, you'll need to ...

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Nintendo Direct Tomorrow (3/8)

Nintendo announced today that there will be a Direct tomorrow. Read on below for more information and my thoughts on the Nintendo Direct. Nintendo has announced a Direct for March 8, 2018. Hey that’s tomorrow! The Nintendo Direct will cover 3DS and Nintendo Switch games. New details of Mario Tennis will be revealed for sure. Kirby Star Allies is coming out this month for the Switch and will most likely be shown in this Direct. Detective Pikachu is coming out…

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The Trial: Frontier Challenge Impressions

On the surface, The Trial: Frontier Challenge from 22cans doesn't appear to be a very great title, and if you were to watch a few YouTube videos to see if you'd like it or not, you likely won't pick it up. There isn't anything really sexy about this title that will draw you in, but somehow, despite all those preconceived notions, I found myself dumping hours upon hours in game. And for the record, I haven't even finished it yet. I've been having so much fun treading through new areas, and revisiting past areas, that I've almost sidetracked myself from the ...

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More Thoughts From Me #110: Questions and Answers

I asked a bunch of my twitter friends/followers if they had any questions for me and they delievered! So todays More Thoughts From Me is a Q&A. You had questions and I have answers! Here are the questions in bold and then my answers: GTM618 asked: “VR. Is it the future? Or a fad” I want to say VR is a fad but it keeps coming back. We can’t get rid of it! It was here in the 90s, then…

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Win a Copy of Pokken Tournament DX and EGLX Toronto Passes!

Thanks to the generous crew over at Nintendo of Canada, GamesReviews has a great prize pack for one lucky winner! Up to be won is a copy of Pokken Tournament DX and two electronic passes to EGLX in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. You can find all the details below, but you can get a head start on the competition by clicking here.

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When Reviewing, Who Is Your Review Score Aimed At?

The hardest part about doing a review is putting the score out of 10 or 100 at the end. Many websites have gone ahead and done away with review scores, but it doesn't seem to be a popular choice with many gamers. Believe it or not, review scores mean a lot to many people, and purchasing decisions are ultimately driven by scores on metacritic. A problem with scores is evident every time I sit down with what many would deem a kids game, and the thought of writing this piece is driven by my time with Kirby Stars Allies.

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