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More Thoughts From Me E3 Edition: Smash Bros Switch Looks Amazing

We knew that Nintendo would have Smash Bros for the Nintendo Switch this year. We knew that for sure. But what else did Nintendo show? Well…not a lot…but hey, Smash Bros looks amazing!

smash bros

Smash Bros Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch has been announced. It is coming out in December. It looks amazing.

Ok, now that I got that out of the way…I have to say that I’m disappointed. Not by Smash Bros, it looked great, but by the lack of new games shown by Nintendo.

Yes, they showed Super Mario Party. It looked good. I know a family member who would absolutely love it (not me). Check out Adam Roffel’s article about it here.

And Fire Emblem Three Houses was jaw dropping. I WANT IT NOW. But have to wait till Spring 2019?! WHAT?! sigh.

Other than that though, well, we did get Fornite announced for Switch and its coming out TODAY. I will try it out and have impressions soon!

There wasn’t much else shown though. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 dlc, some new stylish mech game, and some Indie/third party games. We knew about most of them.

So Smash Bros Ultimate was the big thing for the Nintendo Direct. I think it’ll be the game of the show!

Was Nintendo’s Direct the best of the show though? No. It wasn’t.

I had a lot of high hopes for the Nintendo Direct. They were dashed.

I’m excited for Smash but where were the other games?! I guess Nintendo wanted this E3 to be about Smash Bros. Thats fine and all but…man. Wow…

Still, there is hope. We may get some more Switch announcements during Treehouse Live. And we will definitely get some 3DS announcements. I’m not going to declare this E3 a failure for Nintendo yet.

Yes, the Nintendo Direct was disappointing but we have three days left of Nintendo. Lets hope for more good things!

Next: I may write something about Treehouse Live soon. Tomorrow or Thursday. We’ll see.

After that: I may do a recap. Who did the best this E3?!

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Smash Bros Ultimate looks great though.



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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