If you haven't played Wingspan or read our review of the original game or expansions, you can find those linked in this article. We absolutely loved the original game, and equally loved the Oceania expansion and the Birds of Europe expansion. As I work through this review of Wingspan Asia, I'm going to assume you have an understanding of how Wingspan works - if you are unfamiliar, go back and read that review. Otherwise, let's get going!
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Access+ Timeline a Massive Hit
Asmodee is pushing forward with Access+ titles. What does this mean? It means taking past games and making them more accessible, in a few different ways. In terms of Access+ Timeline, it's about taking a game that was micro in size and making it bigger and more accessible for younger audiences and those with sight issues. Let's take a look at Access+ Timeline.
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Forget Pandemic, Play Star Wars: The Clone Wars Instead
Pandemic has arguably been one of the biggest hits in the last decade, alongside titles like Dominion and Wingspan. The concept is fairly simple - you work with the other players at the table to eliminate diseases and save the world from a pandemic. It's a great system that allows you to trade cards, remove diseases from the board, and cure illnesses for good. But the Pandemic System has now been massaged into a Star Wars experience, and I'm here to tell you it is better than the game it is based on!
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Is Ticket to Ride: Ghost Train worth it?
Ticket to Ride: Ghost Train is another spin on the child friendly Ticket To Ride: First Journey. The game is a simpler version of the award winning franchise, and requires players to complete a set number of routes as opposed to trying to earn the most points. But is getting this version of the game worth it? We think so, although with a caveat or two. Let's take a look.
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Elite Trainer Boxes are the Perfect Holiday Gift
When it comes to beginning your Pokémon Trading Card Game collection, there are really only two places to start if you plan to actually play the game. If you are just going to collect cards, any pack or box set will do. But if you want to play, that is a different story. The starter decks allow for players to get going right away with no effort. But Elite Trainer Boxes give players almost everything they need to start crafting their very own decks
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Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest Review
When I had heard that Stonemaier games had the publishing right to Libertalia, and that they were going to release a brand new verison of the game, I was really excited. I had actually played the original Libertalia, and it looked as if Stonemaier was going to improve upon the original? How does it all shake down? Is it worth double dipping, or picking up for the first time? Let's take a look!
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Cardline Animals Review
I love simplistic games that can also teach something valuable, and that is exactly what Cardline Animals does. The goal of the game is to take all your cards from your line of cards and slot them into the "cardline" before your opponents. But how exactly do you get cards down on the table? Let's take a look!
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Unlock! Kids Detective Stories Review
My wife and I have played through almost all of the Unlock! experiences, whether they be random mysteries or those themed around Star Wars. We really enjoy playing them, but doing so does leave out the younger members of the family. With Unlock! Kids, we can have a similar unlock experience but one that we can enjoy with our 8 year old, Lochlan. So how does Unlock! Kid hold up against the original? Let's take a look.
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Explorers Board Game Review
Simple roll-and-write games, flip-and-write games, etc. are a dime a dozen it seems. Some are really good, others are really bad, and most hover in that middle category of just being OK. The popularity of these games is due to how inexpensive they are to produce, and therefore, purchase. When we got our hands on Explorers, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. After playing it multiple times over the past few weeks, I'm glad it is in my collection.
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Dwar7s Legendary Forest Makes its Way to Kickstarter
Launching earlier today, Dwar7s Legendary Forest Kickstarter has already surpassed it's goal on Kickstarter, smashing the target within two hours! Dwar7s is a "family weight, engine building game for 2 to 4 players. Players assemble an army of heroes and train dragons to battle monsters as they strive to expand their settlements across the world. The playing time is approximately 25 minutes per player and the recommended age is 13+."
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