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Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Is Coming to Retail This Month

Previously, we told you that Shantae: Half-Genie Hero would be coming out on December 20th for digital platforms. Now its been announced that the game will be coming to retail stores this month too. We have the details below. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero will be coming to retail stores on December 27th! At retail, the game will be known as  the”Risky Beats Edition.” The game will come with a CD containing 30 songs from its soundtrack. Here is the launch trailer…

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Mercenaries Saga 3 Will Be Out Next Week For the 3DS

Mercenaries Saga 2 is one of my favorite 3DS eshop games. The graphics and gameplay of Mercenaries remind me of Final Fantasy Tactics a bit, while also providing a unique story (with multiple endings!). When I finished the second game, I was hoping that there would be another one. I was very happy when Mercenaries Saga 3 was announced! And I’m even happier to announce that the game is coming out next week. Mercenaries Saga 3 is coming out on…

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Robin Hood Bingo Preview

Robin Hood Bingo is an online bingo game that features a wide range of casino games and various promotions and sign up bonuses to players who join up on the site. If you are a fan of bingo looking for a site to try then Robin Hood Bingo may just be the one for you.

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Radiantflux: Hyperfractal Is Coming to the Wii U This Month

I’m currently playing and reviewing Thomas Hopper’s Octocopter. You can check out my preview of that game here. Octocopter is currently on the Wii U eshop. And soon, Hopper will have another game on the eshop. Today, he announced that his next game, Radiantflux: Hyperfractal, would be coming to the Wii U this month! Radiantflux: Hyperfractal, Thomas Hopper’s next game, will be coming to the Wii U eshop on December 22nd. The game features a 90s style “computer” system, hacking,…

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Nintendo Switch and Breath of the Wild Demo On Fallon Last Night

Yesterday, Nintendo of America told everyone on twitter that Super Mario Run (for mobile) would be shown on Fallon. What they didn’t tell everyone is that they’d also show the Nintendo Switch and Legend of Zelda: Breath of Wild on that system. We have the footage of Super Mario Run and the Switch/Zelda below, plus my reaction to the surprise Switch demo. Nintendo surprised everyone by showing off the Nintendo Switch and showing live gameplay on Breath of the Wild…

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The Development of Online Games

The earliest online games were nothing more than text on the screen. This was before the Internet, when we had bulletin boards. You would use a modem and your home phone line to dial the hosts computer. Naturally with the progression of technology, online games have come a long way.

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Bam Box – November 2016

I'm going to be completely honest: the October Bam Box was a pretty big miss for me in terms of content and overall quality. There were many items inside that were incredibly disappointing, and easily overshadowed the few quality items. This month's box was a definite improvement, although with new changes I'm not sure I like!

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Geek Fuel – November 2016

Geek Fuel has its ups and downs, but overall provides great loot. While nothing will top the box that was full of great Uncharted items, I did quite enjoy this months box. Once again, Geek Fuel is doing something other companies are not - products featuring their robot mascot. This months Indian Jones Geek Fuel Robot pin was just one of the few great items we received.

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Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Is Coming Out This Month

Wayforward’s Shantae is a action/adventure/platformer that has appeared on the 3DS, Wii U, and other platforms too. I have reviewed and played a few of these games and they are always good. The newest Shantae game, Half-Genie Hero, will be coming out this month! Shantae: Half-Genie Hero will be coming out on December 20th! According to the Kickstarter page for the game, it will be released for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PSVita for that game for sure. They…

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New BoxBoy Game and amiibo Announced for Japan

Nintendo’s BoxBoy, a downloadable game for the 3DS eshop, has seen two games already. BoxBoy is created by Hal Laboratory, the creators of Kirby. The unique puzzle platformer is an example of another new franchise from Nintendo. And last night, Nintendo announced a third game for the character! Not only that, but a BoxBoy amiibo was announced too. Currently, these are both just for Japan, but we may see them in the West eventually. Check out the details about the…

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