I recently finished God of War (2018) and very much enjoyed it. I know this isn’t going to be news to most people, but it’s really rather good. And while I could easily write a couple of thousand words on what worked (and a quite a bit less on what didn’t), there’s one thing that I felt stood out more than anything: the original God of War needs a Final Fantasy 7-style remake. Sony is in their “pointlessly releasing old…
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A 2024 Reminder to Check For Casino Deals
I get it, it’s easy to fall into the same old routines. Especially when you’re happy with the service you’re using. But in all walks of life – including online casinos – it’s worth considering what the competition might be able to do for you. This is your new year reminder to check whether you can get some bonuses from other online casinos. You’ll have seen these before. In an effort to get people to sign up for their ...
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Tetris IS a Life Goal
For the first time ever, the NES version of Tetris has been beaten. It’s been done by a 13-year-old teen from Oklahoma. And that is a hell of an achievement. Unless you ask Sky News’ Jayne Secker, who ended a segment on the lad, Willis Gibson, by saying “Tetris is not a life goal”. “Go outside, get some fresh air,” she said. Ignoring that in the current day, being really good at video games can open a lot of doors…
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2024: Predictions for the Year Ahead
The last couple of days of 2023 are upon us, and that means we can click over to a new year of gaming news. 2024 is going to be a quieter year in terms of games, but will it be as quiet in terms of news? Without any further ado, I’m going to take a look at what might happen over the next 12 months. More Poorly Performing Games It seems for a couple of years there we had a…
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2023: A Year of Highs and Lows
Christmas is over, and soon 2023 will be too. Hopefully it’s been a good year for you, and you had a very merry Christmas. New Years is a time for contemplation. To look to the past and to the future. Today I figured we’d look back at the last year. I’ve already written about what an amazing 12 months it has been in terms of games, but that’s only part of the story. The truth is that 2023 was only…
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Merry Christmas From GamesReviews
Whether you’re opening new consoles this morning or reading this on a brand new phone or tablet, everybody at GamesReviews wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy new year! It’s been an interesting year, and that’s something we’re going to examine more over the next week. A lot has happened, both positive and negative. From the Activision merger finally completing and a roster of games that’ll be tough to beat in years to come, ...
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Where Should eSports Go Next?
Over the last few years, I’ve written quite a lot about how successful eSports have become. And there’s no arguing with that – they really are becoming huge. But in many ways, the format just hasn’t changed enough. So where exactly does it go from here? That’s not an easy answer to give. In the same way that you don’t expect football or hockey to change year by year or even decade by decade, the fundamentals of what makes ...
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Yes, The Series S Will Play GTA6
Grand Theft Auto 6 has been unveiled and it looks amazing. But as is standard, it’s led to a standard reaction in some of the more reactionary parts of the internet. So let’s put it to rest right here: the Series S will play GTA6 just fine. No, it won’t hold anything back. The next Grand Theft Auto will undoubtedly be mindblowing wherever you end up playing it. That is, after all, what Rockstar do. Red Dead Redemption 2 was…
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Is It Worth Buying an Xbox in 2024?
As we end what was supposed to be Microsoft’s first big Xbox year in a while, there are questions (some fairly trolly) about the future of the brand. And besides that, the green team are making it easier than ever to play their games without needing to buy a console. So should you buy their box? The Xbox Series X remains a fantastic console. The Series S is a brilliant cheap entry into this generation’s devices for those that aren’t…
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Is It Worth Buying a PC In 2024?
With 2024 rapidly approaching, we ask what seems like an easily answerable question. Is it worth getting a new PC in 2024? Well, yes, it is. Because that’s not the difficult part. The difficult part now is the choice of how you’re going to enter into the world of PC gaming. Will you go for a desktop or a laptop? Will you stream via GeForce Now? Hell, you could even buy any of a selection of handhelds that offer up…
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