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Posts By WMMN


How To Review A Casino And Find Out Your Best One

Online casino gaming is great fun, but it can be a bit of a minefield, too. Almost more than any other industry, the world of online gaming is fraught with danger. After all, you don’t want to fall foul of a bad site and get defrauded or lose all of your money. That’s when you need to develop a robust system by which you can review online casinos and discover which one you want to go with. We’ve developed a…

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5 Remarkable Reasons Why Online Video Gaming is Good for Your Brain

With each passing day, there’s a new online video game that captures the market fan base. Game developers are embracing gaming technology, and they hardly disappoint as there’s fresh content each time. However, there’s still a slight misunderstanding by those who don’t engage in online video games. They might argue that video games make one lazy, harms their brain, and destroys their social life. On the contrary, the beneficial impact ...

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4 Video Games Created By College Students

Creating a competitive video game requires incredible talent, dedication, and resources. It is unimaginable that students can collect all these talents and resources to develop incredibly competitive video games that change the industry. If you get help with your computer science thesis, you will reserve the time and resources to create a video game or app that will change the information technology and communication field. ...

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Canada approach to online gambling

When it comes to playing slots online, you’ll find a ton of articles talking about the American and European markets, but this might be the first time we talk about options in Canada. Top Slots Canada is operating now, and wants you to come play their games. But is this site reputable? Can they be trusted. Although we haven’t tried them out ourselves, there are a ton of refreshing things that ease our minds. Problem Gambling   Issues with gambling ...

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Japanese food inspiration in gaming industry

Japanese culture has been a part of board games and video games for numerous decades by now, spawning companies like Nintendo, Sony, SEGA and more. But the Japanese have done more than just provided us with the world’s greatest video game developers and publishers – they’ve given the world fantastic food as well! While I haven’t always been a Sushi fan, I’ve warmed up to the idea of eating raw fish over the last few years, thanks ...

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Simple Tips That You Can Use To Choose the Right Online Poker Site

There are so many poker sites available online, and choosing the right one might be challenging. Remember that if you want to make money in poker games, you need to make the right decision when choosing a poker gambling site. To make it easy for you, here are some tips that you can use. Look For Sites with Most Players When you want to play poker games such as Judi Poker Online, you should look at the amount of traffic…

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New gaming trends we can expect on 2020

We are almost a month into a new year, and things are already looking really great for the gaming world. We know for fact that two new video game console launches are happening this fall – the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X – and a ton of other games have reviewed release dates as well. It’s going to be a great year for video games, I can just feel it! Whether the games are coming to mobile, coming…

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What are the most fun Casino Apps in 2020

Numerous aspects make a casino app unique. They are categorized into 2; technical and operational. Technical talks about the interface and its usability while operational touches on the games. The best application should have a combination of both factors. What gamers mostly look for are the design, ease in financial transactions and the type of games. Other aspects like bonuses, customer service, live gaming and availability on various operating systems crown ...

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Things Electronic Games Can Teach You

Many people suspect that electronic games are a good form of entertainment but nothing else. They believe that playing too many games will rot the human brain and lead to someone becoming lazy. Is this the case? Ultimately, it depends on the game the individual is playing. Some games offer a wealth of benefits whereas others do not. If you’re playing the right games, you’ll be able to enhance your creativity, learn something new, and so much more. Within this…

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Gameplay Review of Bonanza Slot

Since its release nearly 3 years ago, Bonanza slot at King Casino has built up something of a cult following. Players who have given it a go often describe themselves as having caught the “Bonanza bug”. This involves feelings of pure adrenaline whilst playing and an unscratched itch to get back spinning the bonanza reels when they’re not. Keep reading for a breakdown of one of the most action packed slot games you can play: The Bonanza theme focuses on…

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