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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order – Game has Got Potential!

EA has finally come up with a great Star Wars game with the Fallen Order version. The game story revolves around padawan Cal Kestis, who is making his way to survival after Order 66. The game starts with the Empire ruling the planet with Cal hiding himself from the empire. He occupies himself with a job, but an accident caused him to use Force to save a friend. This use of Force made him traceable by the Empire. In the midst of all the actions, he united with another survivor of Order 66, and both of them travel across the galaxy.


The storyline of Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is amazingly gripping, and the graphics are top-notch. You are always on the run, and the Jedi hunters are looking for you and your friends all the time. You go on several interplanetary missions to save your life and remove the traces. You are gathering much-needed information to restore the Jedi era.

The first world is called Bogano, where you can run around and climb to massive towers. Graphics are not that soothing in the first world, but it gets better in the next planets. Each planet has its own storyline, and the story unfolds by your actions. There are shortcuts, too, but they can only work once you have conquered the levels. The alternatives are meant for backtracking the stories when needed.

Cal also has a sidekick robot known as BD-1. Both Cal and BD-1 get upgraded with their abilities once you start moving forward in the game. These abilities make way to new secret pathways, which could only be revealed with the involvement of new BD-1 gadgets and Cal’s upgraded Force abilities.

“Stimpaks” are used to heal Cal when he’s wounded, and these are stored by BD-1 and can be taken when needed. They are limited in number and should be wisely used as the game progresses. There are several meditation spots that you have to find in order to get more supplies of Stimpaks. However, once you go to a meditation spot, the world progress gets restored, and you’ll have to fight it out once again.


The game is not fast-paced or full-on action-oriented. The game is more about the personal storyline of Cal and his struggles to restore the Jedi order. Cal’s lightsaber also gets upgraded as you conquer the worlds and start going up in the levels. BD-1 holographic capabilities help in mapping the new worlds. The navigation becomes comfortable with BD-1 as a sidekick.

The bottom line is that the Fallen order is a terrific game if you are a Star Wars fan. The story is amazingly gripping, and the game levels are full of puzzles. You will have to use your brains instead of the extraordinary powers of a Jedi. The journey between the worlds is highly memorable once you complete the entire game. Also, it’s hard to leave the game for long once you have started playing it. You would want to know what’s next in the store, and that’s what makes a game enjoyable to play.


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