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How to Spend Your Free Time: A Guide for Gamers

As a gamer, there are lots of cool and interesting ways you can spend your free time. From streaming eSports to recording content for YouTube, there’s a lot to get through in this guide. So, make sure to read carefully, as you won’t want to miss a trick.

  • Improve your tech skills 

Generally, video game fanatics love anything related to tech. More than likely, you feel the same. If so, you should spend some of your free time improving your tech skills. For example, many gamers want to pursue careers in the technology industry, which is why they’ve started to take online cloud computing training courses.


The reason for this is so that they can become cloud engineers and ultimately get to work with computers every day. Sounds fun, right? To get started, you should focus on Google Cloud Platform, one of the biggest providers of cloud services globally. Through online training, you’ll be able to get google certification in no time!

  • Download free games on your console and mobile devices

Free-to-play games are becoming increasingly more common. For example, anyone with a PlayStation Plus subscription can get access to free games every month on the PlayStation 4 and 5. Similarly, thousands of free games are available on PC and mobile, with Fortnite and Apex Legends being at the top of the popularity list.

  • Stream eSports events to learn from the pros

10 years ago, playing video games was considered a hobby – nothing more, nothing less. But times have drastically changed, as eSports now exist. Essentially, eSports are competitive competitions for video game players that often involve real prizes. Typically, eSports invents are streamed on YouTube and Twitch, allowing millions of users to tune in and watch professional gamers showcase their skills on games like PUBG, Call of Duty, and League of Legends.


If you’re looking for ways to kill time at the weekends, then streaming eSports events is definitely something you should try. By the end, you’ll be absolutely hooked.

  • Record content for your own YouTube channel 

If you’re a passionate gamer, you should consider recording content for your own YouTube channel. You can do this on new generation consoles by using the built-in screen recording options or – alternatively – by using your own capture cards. After capturing the content of you playing your favorite video games, you can then edit it into a digestible video which can then be uploaded to YouTube and other social platforms. Providing your content is entertaining and engaging, you’ll be sure to gain lots of likes and subscribers.

  • Design a gaming setup to make your friends jealous 

Lastly, a great way to spend your free time is by designing a gaming setup in your home.

From a nice and comfortable chair to surround-sound speakers, there are lots of features for you to include in your setup. Also, don’t forget to focus on your lighting, as it’s important that you use lighting that isn’t overly harsh and that can be switched to warm colors at night to prevent your eyes from becoming strained.


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blank Software Developer,Admin,Gamer,Gambling Expert and recently a happy parent :) so generally busy...

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