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The Most Anticipated Games Coming in 2022

Did you know that there were over 2.8 billion gamers worldwide in 2021? Without a doubt, playing video games has become one of the most popular hobbies in recent years.

Gamers can expect that video games in 2022 will be even better since many new games and sequels will be released throughout the year. So, what are the most anticipated games of the year?

In today’s post, we’ll be going through some of the most anticipated video games that will release in 2022. So, make sure you read until the end to know what to save your money for!

Elden Ring

Players who enjoy FromSoftware games like Bloodborne or Dark Souls will be happy to know that 2022 will bring them yet another brutal action RPG game – Elden Ring. But, unlike its predecessors, Elden Ring will be an open-world game, similar to The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. And to further add hype to Elden Ring, FromSoftware announced that the legendary George R. R. Martin (creator of the Games of Throne franchise) would be the lead story director.


As you can see, Elden Ring will be one of the best new video games for 2022 (if you enjoy punishing gameplay). FromSoftware will release Elden Ring for Playstation 4/5, Xbox X/One, and PC.

Splatoon 3

Perhaps one of the most successful games for the Nintendo Game Cube, Splatoon 3 returns for an even more colorful adventure. Like its predecessors, Splatoon 3 will feature unique paintball shooting elements and introduce a couple of new shooting mechanics. On top of that, Splatoon 3 will allow players to fight each other in crazy environments.

There are also rumors that Splatoon 3 will be available for game subscriptions, similar to GameMine, but Nintendo hasn’t confirmed anything.


Without a doubt, Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls game Skyrim has continually topped the gaming charts, despite being released over ten years ago, but that may soon change with the release of Starfield. Bethesda has announced that Starfield will be an open-world game similar to Fallout and Elder Scrolls, but with a more sci-fi twist. Additionally, Starfield is said to feature space travel, like No Man’s Sky.


Unfortunately, Microsoft has announced that Starfield will be an Xbox exclusive title.


Have you ever wanted to be a cat? If so, Stray will allow players to play as a stray cats in a dystopian world. BlueTwelve Studios has announced that Stray will be a puzzle-adventure video game that will allow players to roam a robot-filled city.

Additionally, players will be able to customize certain features of the cat, which means players can personalize their character.

Keep an Eye Out for These Anticipated Games

Hopefully, with this brief post, you’ll know which anticipated games to look out for in 2022. But of course, make sure you check out the trailers before pre-ordering! So, which video game will get in 2022?

Did you find this post about the most anticipated games for 2022 helpful? If so, we invite you to check out our other game-related topics before you go!


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blank Software Developer,Admin,Gamer,Gambling Expert and recently a happy parent :) so generally busy...

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