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Bloodborne Remaster Rumours Abound for PS5

According to Twitter leaks, there appears to be an imminent arrival of a Bloodborne remaster coming for PS5 sometime in 2021. This naturally has a lot of fans salivating, rearing to jump back into one of the biggest games of the last gen with the advantages that the newer system could bring.


Bloodborne is in a rare place here and, if the rumor is true, this last-gen title might even act as a current-gen system seller.

The Rumours

The rumors this time come from a French user on Twitter going by the name of SoulHunt. While we would usually caution against believing such claims from the internet, this user has a history of releasing accurate leaks for games like Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. This, alongside the always present hopefulness of fans, has given this leak a degree of validity. According to what SoulHunt claims, this release is targeting 4K resolutions at 60 FPS, a dream step-up in playability and visual fidelity.

A Remastered Standard

Remasters through backwards compatibility have so far been an important part of the new generation, applying on a level never before seen on modern consoles. This concern of opening up prior libraries has always been in high demand for consoles, yet it’s rarely sought after by console manufacturers. The reason for this tends to revolve around hardware complexity and cost, where backwards compatibility was often not considered worth the effort.

Changing this perception was not just the overwhelming voices from fans, but also the success of other industries which took a long-term approach to software availability. Some of the best examples of this concept in action come from bingo sites. Built on flexible systems which scale to different devices, games like Primate King and Buzz Bingo remain popular regardless of the generation. The continued success of these games combined with fan satisfaction has proved too great to ignore, where the video game industry took note.

The Right Game

There are some major reasons as to why we expect a remastered Bloodborne release on PS5, the first of which can be found by looking at the developer, From Software. With their last major title, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice hitting shelves in early 2019, it’s been some time since a major release. As their next title, Elden Ring isn’t slated until 2022, it would make sense that the company wants to generate hype.

This same level of awareness is likely held by Sony themselves, who paid to have Bloodborne become a PlayStation only exclusive. While the PS5 is now starting to see some great exclusives like the new Ratchet and Clank, opening up Bloodborne to a new audience will doubtless prove a financially positive move.

Rounding out this support is the fact that the original Bloodborne was hamstrung by poor performance. Even on the PS5 compatibility patch, this game is locked to 30 FPS, which is horrible for many players. However, as hacker Lance McDonald showed, the game could hit 60 FPS with some modifications back on the PS4 Pro. Given the extra power of the PS5, hitting 60 FPS at 4K resolution seems an achievable feat.

blankSource: Pexels

Halfway through the year, we would expect the announcement of this remaster, if it is coming, to arrive sometime soon. Whether you’re a returning player or are looking to brave Yharnam for the first time, this new release could be exactly what the plague doctor ordered. Just remember that the axe is the best weapon and that spin-to-win is a viable strategy.


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