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Animal Crossing New Horizons Dream Mansion Impressions

In Animal Crossing New Leaf, there was a place called the Dream Mansion (aka Dream Suite) where players could go to visit other  towns via the internet. The catch was that it was in a “dream” and so anything you did in the other player’s town didn’t count. Also the other player wasn’t really there. You were just getting to check out a copy of their town. The Dream Mansion was added to New Horizons in the latest update. Well, kind of.


The Dream Mansion is back!

Okay, only sort of.

Instead of an actual place that you go to, players go into their house and lay in bed. Then they are given an option to sleep if they want.

If you choose to sleep, you are taken to the dream world where you meet Luna. She will let you save your island to the internet so others can visit your island in a dream. And of course, you can visit other people islands…

There is a catch though. Unlike New Leaf, you can’t visit random dream towns. In New Horizons, you must have an player’s dream address to visit their island. Then tell Luna the code and off you go.

Its a shame players can’t visit random towns/islands like New Leaf. Hopefully this feature will be added in an upcoming update.

That said, dreaming in New Horizons is pretty cool. I’ve enjoyed visiting other islands and seeing what people are up to. Wow. They are so creative. Whew.

Here is my Dream Address if you want to visit my town:


I can’t wait to see even more Dream islands!

By the way, another big part the update debuts on Sunday. Yes, this Sunday! Thats when we start getting the Sunday fireworks events and will be getting them every Sunday in August.

Do you like dreaming New Horizons? Are you looking forward to the fireworks? Please share you’re Dream Address in the comments! I’d like to check out your island!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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