One Piece is a Japanese anime television series adapted from the manga of the same.. The story follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a boy whose body gained the properties of rubber (Think Mr. Fantastic doing martial arts) after unintentionally eating a Devil Fruit. With his crew of pirates, named the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy explores the Grand Line in search of the world’s ultimate treasure known as “One Piece” in order to become the next Pirate King. Pirate…
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One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 First Impressions
I was not familiar with what One Piece was other than seeing the occasional artwork, cover, or game released every once in awhile. So for those like me not used to the source material, as best I can tell, it goes like this.
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If you've played a One Piece game in the past, there won't be too much familiar here outside the main cast of characters, of which only Luffy is playable. Instead of falling back on the decades old mechanics and game play of past titles, the development team decided to look to new heights, and tackled an ambitious, open world approach to the game. Does it pay of after the nearly 20 hour campaign? Let's dive in!
SANTA CLARA, Calif., (August 25, 2017) – BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America Inc., the leading publisher and developer of interactive anime entertainment, has released ONE PIECE®: Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and PCs via STEAM®. Sail the high seas with Monkey D. Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hat pirates in this action-adventure title remastered for the current generation of consoles with 1080p resolution*, higher frame rate, and over 40 pieces of DLC included to create the most definitive One Piece ...
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