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Ghostwire Tokyo


Ghostwire: Tokyo Review

Ghostwire: Tokyo is finally here. The latest from Tango Gameworks, The Evil Wihin and The Evil Within 2 were terrifying in their own way, and while Ghostwire is a different experience, you can feel the similarities throughout. It is up to you to save Tokyo's population from supernatural forces - can you do it?

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Ghostwire: Tokyo State Of Play

The wait is almost over – gather your resolve and face an entire city of the supernatural in Ghostwire: Tokyo, launching March 25 on PlayStation 5! In but a moment, nearly all of Tokyo’s living population has vanished as beings from myth, folklore, and urban legend manifest all over the city. As Akito, a survivor of the disappearance, players will team up with a ghostly detective named KK to get to the bottom of this worlds-shattering phenomenon and bring its…

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PS5 Console Exclusive Ghostwire: Tokyo Confirmed for March 2022

  Well it’s certainly been a week of fumbles for Ghostwire Tokyo this week. PlayStation has uploaded a new video to its YouTube channel that’s set to premiere tomorrow night, and in the description, it mentions a PS5 release on 25th March 2022. The PS Store leak pegged the console exclusive a day earlier. RockPaperShotgun has accidentally published a preview for Ghostwire Tokyo. In that article, the publication claimed that this new game will release on March 24th. Moreover, RPS…

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