The terrain of the planet Shear is devastatingly dangerous and exceptionally beautiful. The planet was populated in an effort to establish colonies far in the distant future. However, when vicious and ruthless monsters began to destroy the civilization, the plant became a warzone. The graphics and story created for the new hit FPS MMO Evolve are unique and enchanting and tell the story of Shear’s birth, death, and rescue with beautiful style. The planet is equal parts treacherous and stunning and the hunters who sneak through its terrain to hunt down the ...
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Left 4 Dead Devs Announce Evolve
7th January, 2014 by Mat Growcott
There really aren't enough co-op multiplayer games around, to the point where Left 4 Dead manages to stand out basically unchallenged. They're fantastic games in their own right, especially if you have people to enjoy them with, but ultimately there isn't much competition. That's going to change soon, when Evolve is released on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC later this year.
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