In a major departure from the rest of the franchise, Darksiders Genesis is a top-down, button-mashing action game that follows War and Strife, two of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. While the series has received much praise for its storyline, humour and simple but addictively fun gameplay – there was much uncertainty around how the new top-down style would translate to the franchise. Will this major change be a smooth transition or will it detract from an already stellar series? Let’s take a look and find out!
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Does Darksiders’ New Style Signal a Shift for Action Games?
The release of Darksiders Genesis was a huge departure for the franchise, abandoning the traditional third-person action game format and opting instead for top-down gameplay. While this change, by itself, may not seem very significant, it does raise certain questions about the current landscape of gaming. More specifically, Darksiders' new style puts a giant question mark over future single-player action/adventure titles and how they will adapt to the ever-changing gaming environment.
Read MoreDarksiders Genesis – Console Launch Trailer
Darksiders Genesis comes out for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, and STEAM tomorrow (2/14). Here is the launch trailer for the game! Darksiders Genesis is totally different from the other games in the series. The first two were third person action games, meanwhile Genesis is an overhead Diablo style game. Though, Darksiders Genesis appears to be faster paced than Diablo. The combat looks intense! The overhead style is 100% Diablo. It looks like you’ll be dungeon crawling in Genesis. I do…
Read MoreDarksiders: Warmastered Edition Review
The apocalypse has been kick started in the re-released version of the game and it is our duty to kick some behind and take names. Darksiders was originally released back in 2010 for the last generation consoles – Xbox 360, PS3 and the PC. This year the Warmastered Edition of Darksiders is released at a discounted price of $19.99 or £14.99 and worth every penny. THQNordic and Vigil Games bring us a protagonist to right his wrong doing while doing it at 1080p resolution and 60 FPS and it feels like the right way to re-make a game.
Read MoreDarksiders Warmastered Edition Will Attack the Wii U In October
Darksiders 2 for the Wii U is really good. If you like action games with dash of Zelda exploration and puzzles, then you should definitly check it out. Though, you might be wondering if the first game is any good. I have no idea since the game isn’t on the Wii U. That will change soon though! Darksiders Warmastered Edition will be coming to the Wii U in October. I really liked Darksiders 2 for the Wii U. I got…
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