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BlackBerry KEY2 Hitting Most of the Key Requirements

We've had the privilege of using the BlackBerry KEY2 for a few weeks now, and from our early impressions, things are looking pretty good for the companies latest phone. Based on feedback from users who owned the BlackBerry KeyOne, the company has made the necessary changes to make this one of the best BlackBerry devices ever to release. Let's dive into a few of the features we really like, and stay tuned for a full review later!

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Top 3 Reasons to get a BlackBerry Motion This Holiday Season

When you mention to people that you are reviewing a BlackBerry device in late 2017, it will likely shock a lot of people. In terms of cellphones, the once dominate brand of BlackBerry doesn't carry the same weight it use to. Although the last few cellphone releases from this company haven't been the homerun BlackBerry was hoping for, they've really stepped up their game in 2017 with the release of the BlackBerry Motion and the BlackBerry KEYone. Both phones are bringing better than average components at a fairly cheap price, when you compare them to other ...

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First Impressions – BlackBerry Motion Smart Phone

A box arrived from BlackBerry Canada yesterday, and I wasn't entirely sure what to expect of the contents. I knew the BlackBerry Motion and the BlackBerry KEYone were launched in 2017, and that BlackBerry was planning on sending me one for review. Outside of that, however, I didn't know what to expect. My last foray into the BlackBerry world was with the BlackBerry Classic, which I used almost exclusively for business purposes. At that time, I was rocking two cellphones: one for work, one for my personal use. The system worked, but handling two phones at once ...

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